Mount St Marys University Moral Vision and Fulfillment Process Discussion

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Mount St Marys University


Moral vision

Part 1: (ch 4) discussion( 1-2 pararaphs)

1. What is "moral vision" and why should we care?

2. What kind of qualities do we need to develop to see the world and others better. Remember, for example, the Sokolowski reading: We need to learn to see things from another's point of view.

Part 2: ch 5

Discussion (1-2 pararaphs). Give an example of a situation where one hopes to "correct" how one feels, such as "I should not be envious" or "you should not be angry." Describe the situation and outline how one might start the slow process of making one's emotional reaction better and more appropriate.

Part 3:

Using chapter 5 of Moral Vision and various internet sources that you can find, please give descriptions of Utilitarianism and utilitarian individualism. Your definitions/descriptions should be about one page in length.

If you use internet sources, please site them properly.

Part 4 (ch 9):

"[W]e often are more comfortable in putting faith into our own plan than in God's plan" (Moral Vision, 116).

As a discussion post, develop the idea expressed in the quotation by using one of the biblical stories covered in the chapter.

Part 5: ch 9

Define fides quae and fides qua and answer question #1 of the "For Reflection and Further Study" (pp. 120-1).

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Moral vision

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Moral vision
Part 1: (ch 4)
Moral vision means envisioning what is good in every part of our lives and throughout
our lives to keep the good “end” in view. However, the end is not the termination point but rather
the fulfillment process. Moral visions are essential because, for example, if I would like to be a
great Lecturer of Law, I have to begin envisioning it starting from the time I begin college and
going through thousands of assignments to learn what is appropriate and what is not. However,
getting to the point of lecturing will open more doors to research and board membership, hence,
an opened vision to greater fullness (Ch.4, p.44). People want such a good end; therefore, being
drawn to it makes people want to be better, thus a clearer moral vision.
The capacities for human good are outlines through a virtue list: prudence, temperance,
justice, and fortitude (Ch.4, p.49). Prudence means seeing what is good, thinking about getting to
the good end, and actualizing the plan. Justice guides relationships with others because it
considers the right actions in regards to other people. Relationships matter in people’s identiti...

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