Mount St Marys University Moral Vision and Original Sin Discussion

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Mount St Marys University


Part 1:Ch 6

read pages 73-77 of Moral Vision, chapter 6.

Write 2 pages on:

1. What are the two formulations of the categorical imperative (pp. 75-6)?

2. What problems are presented as problems with Kant's categorical imperatives (pp. 76-77)?

3. What elements of the moral life are left out of Kant's method (on the audio recording and pp. 74-5)?

Part 2: Chapter 7, Law, and Membership

Read pages 89-91 and 94-96 of Moral Vision.

Write 1 pararaph

In your own words (discussion), explain what is meant by "law as membership" and how law is connected to human fulfillment.

Part 3 (ch 10):

Answer #2: Human Fulfillment from "For Reflection and Further Study" (pp. 131-2). In your answer, include biblical examples from the Gospel of Mark discussed in the chapter, pp. 123-29.

Write 2 pages.


McCarthy, D. M., Donohue, J. M., & Mattison, W. C. (2018). Moral vision: Seeing the world with love and justice. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Hello🙋 I've attached the final copy of your answer down below. Please have a look at it then get back to me in case you'll need any changes made, I'll be here to assist.Thank you!😇

Thesis statement: This paper discusses concepts about moral behavior discussed in the book
Moral Vision. Specifically, it talks about Kant moral elements, formulations of the categorical
imperative and the problems with his formulas. The paper discusses what membership law is and
what human fulfillment is as discussed in the book Moral Vision.

Part 1
A. Formulations of the Categorical Imperative
B. Problems with the Categorical Imperatives
C. Moral Elements Missing in Kant’s Method


Part 2
A. Law as Membership


Part 3
A. Human Fulfillment



Running head: MORAL VISION


Moral Vision


Part 1
Formulations of the Categorical Imperative

Categorical imperative is a guide to evaluating moral behavior and judgments and not
force anything on people. The first formulation of the categorical imperative is the universal law.
Kant explains that any moral proposition should not be tied to any conditions (McCarthy,
Donohue, & Mattison, 2018, pg. 75). To elaborate on the universal law, Kant uses the do not lie
to explain what he meant. He explains that if lying was a universal law, then people would not
trust anything that others say (McCarthy, Donohue, & Mattison, 2018, pg. 75). Word would not
be reliable, and there would be no difference between telling the truth and lying. Telling the truth
needs to be the universal law to make lying be effective (McCarthy, Donohue, & Mattison, 2018,
pg. 75). One cannot expect lying to be universal and, at the same time, practical. Hence do not lie
is a categorical comparative because it does not depend on a condition to be a moral pr...

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