Westchester Community College Oxygen Molecule in the Alveolus Lumen Questions

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SUNY Westchester Community College


1)Draw a flow chart that traces a molecule of O2 from the lumen of an alveolus to the binding of the O2 molecule to an Fe atom in the heme group associated with hemoglobin. Include all steps and anatomical structures that must be traversed by the O2 molecule

2)Some mammals (e.g. blue whales, elephants) have evolved relatively large body sizes. List 5 (or more) adaptations that have allowed mammals to evolve large body sizes. For each adaptation, provide a brief explanation of how it enabled the evolution of a large body size.


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A requirement of lab is a report which you will present in class over the next 2 weeks. It is worth 10% of your lab grade. You can choose any topic that we have reviewed this semester for your report. You will need to have one literature source, one piece of media (an image) and develop an exam question based on your report. *post this in the lab discussion board. Your class presentation should include why you found the topic interesting, Here are some options to use: https://www.nybg.org/event/nybg-doctoral-defenseevolution-and-development-of-the-seed-coat-ingymnosperms/ You may choose to register for this free event Friday at 10 if you want to learn about the Gingko tree research at the NYBG. NYT. Photos of organisms from the deep sea leading to science... https://libproxy.sunywcc.edu:2902/nytimes/docview/2511790166/ fulltext/DFBC2A5F9E344409PQ/1?accountid=14174 All T-Mobile 2:51 PM © 2% 2 Y.X Σχ2 Share... Add to Photos Copy
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.

1. Draw a flow chart that traces a molecule of O2 from the lumen of an alveolus to the binding
of the O2 molecule to an Fe atom in the heme group associated with hemoglobin. Include all
steps and anatomical structures that must be traversed by the O2 molecule

Oxygen molecule in the alveolus lumen

Surfactant layer


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