PSY 3738 Rasmussen College Social Media Personally Professionally Benefits Paper

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Rasmussen University



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Design a personal plan to use social media to benefit the student both personally and professionally as well as minimize online mistakes and their impact.


Regardless of the career that you pursue or are currently pursuing, it is likely that the action of securing the resource of friends and professional acquaintances will be as valuable as any other action you could take.

Part 1:

First, take some time to reflect on your career and/or future career. If this includes more than one career path, then focus on the one that you are most concerned with in the long term. This might include working in a specific field, starting a business, or any other pursuit you are currently working on or plan to work on in the future. The choice behind the pursuit you will focus on is a personal choice.

Write two pages on why this particular career and/or pursuit is your choice. Reflecting on the why behind your wish to achieve a goal will help to make it feel more tangible to you. This exercise of reflection should serve to remind you of your motivation and will be a good thing to refer back to if your motivation ever gets low. The "why" behind a pursuit is oftentimes more important than the "how" of a pursuit. If you have a strong enough "why," you will find the "how."

Part 2:

For the second part of this assignment, make a list of the types of people that could help you in your career and why those people would be good contacts to have. This list should be general in nature, meaning you should list professions or names of positions within companies rather than specific names.

You should list general fields or positions like accountants, attorneys, marketing managers, CEOs, etc., rather than any specific names. Be sure to list at least five professions or types of people.

Part 3:

Next, consider which social media platforms you could use to make personal contacts that could help you in your pursuit along with why and how you could use each. Ensure that the platform and your use of it line up with the specifics behind your chosen future goal.

Describe at least three different platforms you could use, along with why you would use it, and how you would use it for each of the three.

  • Platform #
  • Why?
  • How?
  • Platform #
  • Why?
  • How?
  • Platform #
  • Why?
  • How?

Part 4:

Finally, put all of this together and take action. The next part of this assignment is where you can make a big difference in your grade as well as in your real life pursuit of a goal!

Reach out through the avenue of social media and make contact with three people that you do not currently know. Describe who you contacted and why (you do not need to give their specific name). Explain how you went about contacting them. Contacting someone that works in the same field as you or the same field you intend to work in should be relatively easy as long as you take a professional approach. Speculate over how this new contact might be helpful to you in the future. If you are not currently using social media, then find someone that you know that has used social media to make connections. Ask them to describe how social media has helped them to network and write about social media has helped them to network and make connections.

Requirements/grading rubric

1. Clearly described the goal that you are focused on long term in a well-organized manner and why it is important to you while meeting the minimum length requirement..

2. Provided a description of at least five different types of people that could be helpful to you in the future and thoroughly explained why?

3. Provided a list of at least four social media platforms you could use to make personal contacts that could help you pursuit along with specifics on why and how yo could use each platform.

4. Provided a thorough description of the people you contacted, how you went about it, and how these contacts might be beneficial to have in the future.

5. Paper, lists, and explanations were formatted correctly.

6. Provided an APA formatted reference page with at least 3 credible sources to support research.

7. Demonstrated effective usage of English grammar and mechanics. 0-2 errors in English grammar and mechanics observed.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Outline for Deliverable 6 Paper
Format: APA
References: 3
The paper answers the four provided parts in details in the following manner:
Part 1
✓ The career that I would want to be in the future is the journalist profession. This
profession is exciting and full of significant opportunities and scope. Moreover, it is
achieving much prestige and significance in contemporary society. I always love writing
and reading texts online or even from the store. Therefore, a journalism career would help
me keep up with this habit every day. This is because journalists write new narratives that
individuals should know about and have not heard about it already.
Part 2
People who can help in my career
Journalism head of department
Fellow journalists
Camera experts
Part 3

People who can be good contacts
Radio and TV station Manager
Content writers
Media experts

Platform: Facebook
✓ Why: This platform has a vast field of journalist professionals that would help me know
better what goes on when one works as an online journalist. Facebook is one of the
dominant platforms that has lifted the media industry into digital means of conveying
✓ How: I will use this platform by searching prominent radio and TV stations, contacting
them, and asking them about the journalist career. I would comment on some of their

posts and ask about a journalist concern. Their feedback would be vital in my selected
future objective.
Part 4
✓ The person I talked to was from our community, and he is a great social media influencer
with over ten thousand followers on his platforms. He told me that he is now a believer in
social media power to evolve and diversify one's network, nurture relationships and
develop on the strength of weak bonds over time. He emphasized that with the existence
of social media platforms, networking has turned out very easy.

Running Head: DELIVERABLE 6


Social Media Benefits: Personally and Professionally

Student’s Name
University Name



Social Media Benefits: Personally and Professionally
Part 1
The career that I would want to be in the future is the journalist profession. This
profession is exciting and full of significant opportunities and scope. Moreover, it is achieving
much prestige and significance in contemporary society. I always love writing and reading texts
online or even from the store. Therefore, a journalism career would help me keep up with this
habit every day. This is because journalists write new narratives that individuals should know
about and have not heard about it already. I love language and enjoy reading and writing, and are
the best qualities a journalist should have. Good journalists write narratives that are from a reallife situation, and they also make their own stories. This means that I should be adventurous and
creative to ensure I become a recognized journalist in our community.
In our current generation, people are not interested in reading magazines and newspapers
as much as they used to in the past. Nowadays, individuals carry news n their cell phones,
laptops, iPods, and more. Therefore, it is vital I also be ready to write articles online besides
working in the studio. Conveying the required information to the public is the essential role of
journalism (Trovall, 2016). These details are an essential part of the decision-making system that
leads to societal translucency. I chose this career because it requires authenticity, creativity, and
interaction with different peoples, even the most famous ones. I am a social individual and value
interpersonal conversations. This is why journalism is a profession that would incorporate
everything I feel I am good at.
Another thing is because journalist offers content to design alternatives. These
individuals offer research and credible content that includes information about multiple concerns.
Their contents assist the public to comprehend the complicated challenges. In short, if I get to be



a journalist, I will be a voice in the community. In this approach, journalists significantly help
society with the details they require. I feel journalists have a reliable perception since they are
dedicated to seeking the truth and offers. News is part of our lives. Thus, it offers us the best
possible detail to make notable conclusions about all our lives' aspects.
While doing all these for the public, a journalist is also learning. This profession needs
curious individuals. Each day you have to wake up and get paid to research new events or topics
in the assigned areas. In this process, they earn and learn something new, which makes this
profession very rewarding. Journalism also involves exciting projects that might need one to go
to another nation or part of the country. Imagine being sent to go and talk to a Britain singer
while you are in America. It's an exciting and demanding career. Time consciousness is
mandatory in journalism. I selected this career because it attracts hardworking and intelligent
individuals who love what they do. Therefore, journalism is regarded as a “passion profession.”
The funniest thing about this career is that professional education or academics is not a
significant necessity for a prosperous journalism career; however, some academic qualifications
are attractive as a minimum to write and speak correctly and fluently, respectively. Having a
degree is advisable, especially to people seeking to attain rapid progress in the journalism field or
seek to reach top-level positions. As a journalist in future, I want to make the life of my
community better by helping them stay informed. This is because, in the community, no person
knows better than them. I will become a professional in my community. This is because my job
as a journalist involves much of what is happening in the areas I live and am assigned to. This
will make me more connected to where I live and the individuals around me since I will have a
deep knowledge of the place.



The journalism career needs quick-thinking, curious, and adventurous people who believe
in the media power from the above discussion. I will interact with many, earn a living, and stay
informed every day in this profession.
Part 2
People who can help in my career
Journalism head of department
Fellow journalists
Camera experts

People who can be good contacts
Radio and TV station Manager
Content writers
Media experts

Part 3
Platform: Facebook
Why: This platform has a vast field of journalist professionals that would help me know better
what goes on when one works as an online journalist. Facebook is one of the dominant platforms
that has lifted the media industry into digital means of conveying information.
How: I will use this platform by searching prominent radio and TV stations, contacting them,
and asking them about the journalist career. I would comment on some of their posts and ask
about a journalist concern. Their feedback would be vital in my selected future objective.
Platform: Twitter
Why: Currently, Twitter is a great and reliable source of breaking news; additionally, it's an
outstanding approach to break down barriers with viewers and readers.
How: In this platform, I would locate experts who post breaking news and investigate the
various approaches and languages they utilize to attract a huge audience (Walters, 2019).
Twitter's search bar is an exciting instrument for a journalist who wants to find pictures, twitters,
videos from eyewitnesses.



Platform: YouTube
Why: This is because it's a robust platform and tool for journalist publications. This platform can
help me contact media companies that post videos and receive feedback on how this career is
significant to society.
How: I will view various media stations and see how journalists present their work and acquire
various journalistic ideas and concepts. YouTube would also allow the creation of videos when I
start this career.
Part 4
The person I talked to was from our community, and he...

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