PSY 280 UP How Relationships Evolve During Early & Middle Adulthood Essay

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psy 280

University of Phoenix



Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you examine the psychological adjustments to aging and lifestyle that occur within individuals during early and middle adulthood.

Be sure to include the following:

  • Discuss how social and intimate relationships evolve and change during early and middle adulthood.
  • Identify various role changes that occur during early and middle adulthood.
  • Examine the immediate and future impact of healthy and unhealthy habits practiced during early and middle adulthood.

Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Explanation & Answer

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Psychology Question
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How social and intimate relationships evolve and change during early and middle
Early adulthood is considered to be the age between 20-40 years. People in their early
adulthood develop the need and ability to share intimacy. They get concerned with finding
intimate love and form intimate relationships that will result in marriage and getting children.
Choices on family and marriages are made during this period. Some people get into legal
marriages while others cohabitate. Individuals who get married at this stage have fewer divorce
cases than those who marry in their adolescence (Sierles, 2018). Those who divorce at this stage
also have high chances of re- marrying. Career decisions are also made in this stage. Work
choices are important because they influence the social-economic status of these individuals,
their political values, their friends, area of residence, and even how they care for their children.
In early adulthood, individuals are mainly concerned with building themselves and their future.
They want to sustain careers that will help them achieve their dreams, gain recognition, security,
and satisfaction.
Things are different in middle adulthood. At this stage, people mainly focus on the
welfare of others in society and the fate of their future generations. They contribute to society
through work and family. This change from personal goals to future generation goals is called
generativity versus self-absorption. Adults in this stage have seven major tasks. They include
psychological changes like menopause, getting and sustaining in their occupations, caring for the
aged, and guiding teenagers to become socially responsible. The adults do not have so much
work to do and thus have time for leisure activities, unlike in their early adulthood
(Sierles, 2018). They are busy struggling to make a career, get a lifetime intimate partner, and
develop a family. Some ...

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