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use this Textbook Title: Predictive Analytics for Business Strategy

Subtitle: Reasoning fro Data to Actionable Knowledge

ISBN: 9781260084641

Authors: Jeff Prince

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Publication Date: 2019

and attachment for solving this question

QUESTION : The data in the file attached contains information on your firm's sales per capita, advertising expenditure per capita, and average local income.

Regress sales per capita on advertising expenditure per capita, controlling for local income as an interval variable, where intervals are <$35,000, $35,000–$44,999, $45,000–$54,999, and $55,000+, and <$35,000 is the base group.

For the remainder of the question, assume the data-generating process is

SalesperCapitai = α + β1AdExpperCapitai + β2Inc35-45i + β3Inc45-55i + β4Inc55i + Ui and that all other necessary assumptions toward establishing causality and performing inference hold.

  1. Interpret the coefficients for the income intervals from your regression.
  2. According to this regression, what is the effect on sales per capita when average local income increases from $35,000−$44,999 to $55,000+?

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Sales per Capita Advertising Exp per Capita Avg Local Income $10,73 $1,25 30804 $15,56 $1,52 50680 $12,53 $1,22 31505 $14,38 $1,45 59859 $12,75 $1,58 65718 $15,04 $1,16 60858 $14,07 $1,33 63615 $15,20 $1,05 28837 $12,68 $1,63 62017 $13,64 $1,36 36390 $15,93 $1,62 63832 $13,81 $1,28 48103 $10,84 $1,30 34481 $14,41 $1,46 40696 $11,97 $1,07 41557 $14,39 $1,24 61420 $14,48 $1,50 48545 $14,64 $1,59 47667 $12,94 $1,12 57337 $12,04 $0,87 34193 $13,97 $1,30 46357 $15,22 $1,06 47852 $12,78 $1,23 31231 $13,89 $1,50 48835 $11,25 $1,28 46633 $13,31 $1,14 39840 $12,81 $1,60 55716 $12,78 $1,49 53759 $13,46 $1,20 42530 $12,96 $1,64 40563 $12,74 $1,30 40666 $13,07 $1,42 37347 $14,89 $1,62 62629 $14,26 $1,17 43950 $14,39 $1,75 64078 $13,63 $1,64 64529 $15,26 $1,05 60653 $12,68 $1,13 48035 $13,11 $1,43 49344 $15,47 $1,27 61743 $12,77 $1,25 63889 $14,47 $1,51 66324 $12,54 $1,22 41761 $13,82 $1,58 48928 $14,61 $1,69 51361 $13,60 $1,35 39107 $12,81 $14,50 $13,69 $13,47 $13,15 $13,87 $16,89 $12,23 $12,11 $10,79 $12,17 $15,86 $14,97 $12,15 $13,06 $13,89 $12,76 $13,88 $14,64 $14,72 $11,57 $12,31 $13,35 $15,75 $10,62 $13,93 $14,78 $13,91 $13,58 $13,40 $11,46 $11,11 $13,79 $14,82 $13,77 $12,47 $12,10 $13,23 $10,24 $13,77 $13,66 $15,48 $14,09 $12,30 $13,68 $14,60 $13,40 $1,08 $1,25 $1,45 $1,28 $1,55 $1,37 $1,36 $1,06 $1,33 $0,74 $1,63 $1,34 $1,34 $1,20 $1,24 $1,85 $1,14 $1,29 $1,42 $0,95 $1,30 $1,18 $1,10 $1,37 $1,16 $1,53 $1,45 $1,40 $1,27 $1,15 $1,31 $1,29 $1,71 $1,33 $1,45 $1,61 $1,16 $1,36 $1,63 $1,51 $1,29 $1,45 $1,56 $1,28 $1,26 $1,29 $1,21 51459 31477 62890 33064 64898 32467 37500 35976 54959 31827 60099 39278 65539 32186 30298 63625 36260 29989 43425 30718 45633 38221 28282 39117 28069 60407 44165 29470 63947 33369 31069 36320 44846 60760 33271 50649 40652 50785 49833 45068 42807 53543 62820 38859 40702 58120 43418 $12,20 $13,04 $14,40 $14,99 $16,38 $13,23 $13,50 $12,54 $13,38 $12,84 $12,66 $12,98 $12,39 $11,68 $14,21 $13,87 $14,38 $14,28 $13,54 $14,76 $15,47 $12,02 $12,69 $13,77 $14,75 $13,97 $13,75 $11,86 $14,45 $11,63 $13,19 $12,28 $15,56 $13,03 $9,91 $13,67 $16,18 $16,35 $13,29 $12,35 $12,55 $13,84 $12,63 $15,15 $14,70 $13,84 $12,91 $1,23 $1,60 $1,41 $1,34 $1,50 $1,06 $1,34 $1,53 $1,74 $1,27 $1,24 $1,35 $1,38 $1,34 $1,24 $1,46 $1,61 $1,25 $1,66 $1,43 $1,94 $1,60 $1,11 $1,72 $1,31 $1,15 $1,14 $1,40 $1,32 $1,36 $0,91 $1,38 $1,16 $1,47 $1,80 $1,87 $1,93 $1,52 $1,80 $1,42 $1,34 $1,61 $1,33 $1,30 $1,44 $1,75 $1,50 50274 45724 54446 30218 45554 28674 51939 36815 34599 32198 48160 49688 28442 31295 62359 64781 56258 45783 53459 57696 51462 35601 37031 48509 47326 36542 50437 60501 44381 54730 30211 48835 43918 31609 59359 54386 65989 41470 65531 34758 60157 60166 62005 49696 59502 59631 63002 $13,10 $14,52 $15,09 $12,58 $13,05 $12,75 $14,30 $12,36 $14,99 $13,91 $12,63 $12,78 $12,09 $15,33 $13,08 $11,80 $13,03 $13,62 $11,30 $14,82 $14,37 $13,57 $13,26 $13,01 $13,34 $16,12 $12,08 $12,19 $14,85 $12,66 $13,97 $13,42 $11,82 $15,62 $14,33 $12,28 $12,74 $14,81 $12,32 $11,73 $13,19 $12,17 $11,49 $12,75 $15,23 $16,74 $13,72 $1,72 $1,05 $1,53 $0,89 $1,30 $0,88 $1,56 $1,57 $1,17 $1,23 $1,10 $1,26 $1,36 $1,19 $1,39 $1,43 $1,64 $1,13 $1,36 $1,33 $1,41 $1,42 $1,63 $1,64 $1,65 $1,46 $1,12 $0,94 $1,98 $1,13 $1,46 $1,77 $1,23 $1,56 $1,82 $1,23 $1,21 $1,62 $0,92 $1,03 $1,59 $1,29 $1,24 $1,63 $1,17 $1,42 $1,57 41270 48152 52851 41037 41289 33472 53280 34612 54503 28147 29835 49949 45801 43928 62816 51836 57119 46663 42701 63352 44949 55423 48744 66980 65436 63973 42289 28713 51612 60954 55696 62450 35184 57265 61162 51668 49306 36963 39280 36819 38593 34541 48854 46273 35630 34580 66387 $13,55 $11,89 $14,86 $14,41 $12,14 $12,72 $13,33 $14,47 $14,13 $15,51 $12,97 $12,24 $11,89 $13,19 $13,90 $14,89 $15,31 $13,43 $12,93 $14,99 $14,09 $14,50 $13,72 $12,06 $12,18 $12,03 $14,04 $12,11 $12,21 $13,37 $13,71 $10,99 $13,68 $12,09 $13,32 $11,74 $12,30 $11,38 $13,12 $12,65 $16,15 $12,82 $13,97 $12,08 $13,38 $15,13 $16,14 $1,19 $1,19 $1,22 $1,60 $1,03 $1,64 $1,71 $1,51 $1,35 $1,54 $1,37 $1,73 $1,22 $1,66 $1,66 $1,46 $1,61 $1,50 $1,76 $1,55 $1,25 $1,67 $1,34 $1,38 $1,68 $1,02 $1,22 $1,04 $1,29 $1,26 $1,11 $1,17 $1,31 $1,51 $1,59 $1,07 $1,33 $1,04 $1,21 $1,26 $1,43 $1,25 $1,47 $1,29 $0,89 $1,57 $1,17 41698 37436 51526 34096 29336 30783 42985 55489 47120 52003 47426 64763 28599 51709 60675 32749 62738 44322 47166 55370 52778 48218 54228 54963 61411 29146 53944 54185 28747 28592 38826 59364 50970 63667 56936 38810 45661 32470 55511 37851 48452 51358 42424 30417 35957 28745 66184 $11,06 $11,24 $11,82 $11,72 $1,25 $1,49 $0,83 $1,50 51141 49432 28079 38102
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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