Making Information Systems Investments

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Computer Science


The Clarion School for Boys, Inc. - Milwaukee Division. Making Information Systems Investments.pdf

Study the link above. The case study provides an example of the practical and political difficulties encountered in IS planning and also provides an example of assessing current IS resources.

Develop a detailed outline of a long-range information system plan for Clarion—Milwaukee. A long-term plan should include the following sections:

  • Statement of precise objectives.
  • Analysis of current and future environment, including business, information technology, and user information.
  • Proposed information technology action plan, including hardware, applications, personnel, network, and facilities.
  • Resource and funding needs justification.
  • Implementation plan.
  • Organizational change.
  • Training

Note: special consideration should be made to adoption of innovative, emerging, or IT trends. Outline should be 3-4 pages, well-written, and in conformity with APA formatting.

Label each section clearly.

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