based on article" Keep Up with Technology and Keep Your Career Afloat" , computer science homework help

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Computer Science


You have been contacted by a small Ma' and Pa' company that is struggling to stay afloat in this high technology centered business environment. Most of its employees are over 50 years of age. The company however, is bringing in new employees who are five years or less out of college. The issue is that the current employees are having trouble keeping up with their younger counter parts. You have been hired by this company to develop a short training guide on ways to keep up with technologies in the work place for the company's seasoned employees.

  • Use the article, "Keep Up with Technology and Keep Your Career Afloat." to help you

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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: The ways to keep up with the technologies in the work place

The ways to keep up with the technologies in the work place
Institution Affiliation


Running Head: The ways to keep up with the technologies in the work place

To begin with, the evolution of technology has brought about tremendous changes in the
workplace and has changed the way of doing business. The gr...

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