Write response about video and article

User Generated



Missouri Baptist University


For today's lab, watch this video from a BBC (British TV) episode of "The Big Questions" and, using what you've seen and 2 external resources, respond to the following prompts.

  • How would you define a "moral" society? What is "morality"?
  • Is the concept of "morality" or a "moral society" required for today's world?
    • If yes:
      • Is religion required to create, maintain, and grow a moral society?
        • If not, what should the framework of a moral society be?
    • If no:
      • How do/should people know how to interact with each other?
      • How are correct and incorrect behaviors defined?
  • In 250+ words, give a response to this video.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.Here you go! Let me know if this is okay :)

Morality can be defined as the set of principles or the system that an individual or
group can use to define as what is right or wrong. This means that morality may vary from
one person to another and may be shaped by a variety of enablers which include culture,
societal beliefs, or even religion. A “moral” society ca...

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