Blood Pressure Lab Write-up:
Produce a lab report for the body position activity of the Blood Pressure lab. Your report should be in non-numeric, paragraph form. The data you need for the report is found in an Excel file posted on Canvas. The data includes the subject's reported sex and age (decade, not specific year) as well as collected heart rates and data for sitting (resting) and recumbent blood pressure.
1. Write an Introduction Section (3 or 4 paragraphs). A brief overview of blood pressure should be included in this section. Don’t forget to include a citation when you provide information that is not common knowledge. For example, your text (Silverthorn, 2019), lab manual (Caldwell, Didomenico, Shearer, & Botten, 2019), or another reasonable source. Make sure to include brief explanations of the physiology underlying the measurement of blood pressure and how to interpret the blood pressure reading. State the hypotheses or predictions.
2. Methods. Write 2-3 paragraphs that give an overview of how you did your experiment. Cite our lab manual (Caldwell, Didomenico, Shearer, & Botten, 2019), and then concisely summarize how the data was collected. Write a paragraph describing your test subjects. How are they similar and how are they different?Write 1-2 paragraphs that give a general overview of how you used the methods and baseline data to study the effects of changes in body position on blood pressure and heart rate. What is the independent variable of this experiment? The dependent variable? How are you analyzing the data (mean, standard deviation, confidence interval)?
3. Results. Include at least one graph and a summary table or graph. You may need more than one. Any table or graph should have a descriptive title. Make sure you submit a summary table, not a restatement of raw data. I smile when I see calculated measures of central tendency (mean and median) and some measure of spread. Excel can do most of those calculations for you. Your graph should show class averages of the blood pressure component in your hypothesis for each body position. You should include a short narrative highlighting your data in this section.
4. Summary (4-5 paragraphs) Explain your data by using the information you introduced in your introduction. Make sure to demonstrate you understand the underlying physiology explaining why blood pressure changes in response to changes in body position. Refer to your table and graph and point out any important data. If your results did not match your expected results, write a paragraph suggesting one reason your results might have been different from the expected results.
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Explanation & Answer
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Blood Pressure lab write-up
Blood pressure can simply be defined as the pressure against the blood vessel walls, caused
by the circulating blood. It is one of the most routinely carried out clinical procedures and
the obtained results if one accurately, play key roles in therapeutic decision making.
However, according to a study done by (Armstrong, 2002), inferred that blood pressure
measurement is one of the inaccurately performed clinical procedures carried out by
healthcare professionals. Measurement of blood pressure can be done either directly (intraarterially) or by numerous indirect methods. The most popularly used indirect method is
measurement the use of an aneroid sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope at the upper arm
(Beevers, Lip, & O'brien, 2001). This is considered to be the most inexpensive and most
accurate method of measuring blood pressure used in clinical practice. Even though, this
method is deemed quite simple to perform, it is subject to observer-based errors and errors
due to failure and improper standardization of equipment. Improper readings can lead to
cases of misdiagnosis such as hypertension and various cardiovascular conditions.
When measuring blood pressure on patients, both body and arm position have to be taken
into consideration (Netea, Lenders, Smiths, & Thien, 2003). It has been subject to debate
over the years on what the proper guidelines are in terms of the above considerations when
measuring blood pressure. The debated body positions are sitting and supine while the
position of the arm that...