Montana State University Bozeman IKEA Identifying Important Information Paper

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Business Finance

Montana State University Bozeman


The primary purpose of this assignment is to see that you can identify important information and express it clearly, precisely and briefly. Use precise and focused language. Good business writing gets to the point quickly with precision and clarity. Be as thorough as possible but write no more than one page per article.

There are two parts to this assignment and you should do them for each article on one page (single spaced).

  • Read each article and describe all relevant information. Describe it in significant detail.
  • At the end of each article write a concluding paragraph telling the main thing you take away from the article and how it applies to international marketing.

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TJ ru o t- I{t 0r;;or En I{d l{ -tr Fa mE ,lc = trE Irl ; Ir q "tr! r{ Ln o o E l! Ff) Efs ENT (6pU E E !,o .v J4 o o = 'o' E I o o o) IE o o o tl0 '" E E6' r{ltr'u FIH rdy 'E o 6 +o o o = IT a E o o E F O'T €, o G, J t',lE l! .E F o E E. ta-9 r{, = to; o 2 ,ES 63 P 6 1'r o$g at r e tt ro ll l! 6 Eis EO .E o Eo 6q OF l{1rrl{. A.t J6 6g M-:E I{^ F OJ: DN IJ I{ Fl GIE LO gtr fl, .ctE FE d-\ t I t =l!c ooI = tg ql c,ci J,9 €g EB Ec -.o aDE .= -c3 HE i: ti -e t-c LJ En# Z g >{E Lro a z E r*rT EF# iEiiiiIfuiiEIgiiEEigEi;iiE, siEiigg$EiiiiiiEIiiI LJ .r on]y halal food, which .*it .on- tain pork or blood and must pass through several Islamic customs. McDonald,s Arabia emphasizes . For the most part, qrssfing a . successful international menu familiar with the region and can offer constant. feedback. McDonaldls, for one, has stores in 94 countries and treats each region as its own test kitchen. "Most U.S. companies don't go abroad by themselves-they donlt take tleir employees from Toledo and sNp them out to Beijing," says franchise coach arid author Rick Bisio.'({hey're goulg Have to havg Chinese partner if they ,a expand into Chin4 saying Tlere! what we need to do-, " ' In some regions, franchise menus are guided in large part crucken patties and a smokey. saute. Pangel, a cheese commonly served in curry dishes, also makes for a popular substitute. Chewe, lhefve Itaiy witir the buns, cheese and,sauce are pitch black-but they,ve actually been colored by squid ink. . Even in Canada-much closer McDonald,s offers the Mcpaneer a pair their Royals (the metric version of the euarter Pounder) with wine, while feil slices of parmesan cheese on their burgers. BotI McDonald,s and Burger King, meanwhile, have introduced black burgers in Japan. Americans may mistake,tlen for a-meal Ieft on the grill too long_ a double Iayer of gxi[ed French herbs and served withjatapeflo peppers on. .cornmeal_dusted bu-ns-while papa John,s serves noting that burgers have 'like Stores in neighboring -have their own variation, ,l culturally to the U.S. than, say, the Middle East-food gets its ; own Iocal gloss. For instance, . ?apa's Paneer,, Duza. Nearly a third of the 180 McDonald's locations in Israel are kosher, meaaing they don,t serve milk-based products (some have separate booths for milkbased desserts) and close on Jewish holidays and Shabbat. While falafel was taken off the menu several years agq customers can still find kebabs and Is- raeli salad, served with olive oil and lemon. Elsewhere in the Middie East, most fast-food franchises serve : : q!_d honey. In HongKong, McDona]d's customers can order taro-root pig which has a sweet, yamlike flavor, while in Ihailand you can try a more savory corn pie. Another item featured in Italy and many European nations is even created a sandwich with the crusty bottom.of fohdue.,, which" resembles a Big Mac but with Mr. Youag says. Another corlmon tactic is to ingorporate local ingredients rnto core items, says Chris Young, director of global menu strategy at McDonatd,s. For instance, '.Ilance plays'off their Camembert and Comtd. tiohs. At McDonald,s, one can nn9 Chicken Maharaja Mac, Roydle-seared 3nd carries a "numbing heat,. polds lvay tured selections Iarge Hindu population, which traditionally considers cattle slaughter taboo, has given rise to some particularly creative varia- .t it your dreese heritage,,, says Mr. young, by dietary restrictions.'Iadia,s will peppers. A common flavor at some Chi_ aese locations is mal4 which is made from Sichuan peppercorns Dessert also gets the ],ocal treatment. While ice cream and cookies .might satisfy American taste is differen!,,says Mr. Bisiq sweet tooths, international frana former director of interna- . chises tweak their dessert offerpopeyes tional development for ings by adding local candy or flaLouisiana Kitche4 Cirurabon and vors. In Switzerland, for others. "You can,t operate in irutancg you can find McFlurries those . countries without making made wit} Toblerong the Swiss those adjustrnents.,, chocolate bar with nougat, aI- requires having parElers who are ._t. chickerl with items like the McArabia Chicken wrap and the Chicken Mega Mac, served with four chicken patties. you go to t}re Middle East, --'tf all the oil will be different-they use pure vegetai,le oil and the while Peruvian McDonald,s stoi* aji a spicy sauce made of hot nearly every chain has a poutine iterL The dish, which originated rn Quebec, consists of french fries topped with cheese curds aad gravy. pizza Hut has a cheesy poutini pizza on the menq complete with all t}!e top- p-ings, including fries. furger King and McDonald,s- offei a poutine version of their fries, alcohol. People over 18 years old in- France can Germans can opf for beer. A cook's tour But itt hard to pred.ict what will work in new markets, and occasionally items turn out to be duds-or lose out to local play- ers. For instance, McDonaldt quickly discontinued its IsraeU it launched in McFaIafeI after 20[ citing competition with cheap traditional falafel stalls that are ubiquitous in the coun- try. Sometimes, thougtL itbms not only succeed but get big enough to cross borders. For instance, t}te McWrap, a McDonald,s sandl wich that features vegetables and chicken wrapped in a tortilla, was origi4ally introduced in Polaad in 2004, and made its way to North furierica later on. "If an item does well in one sp-ot and people really enjoy it, other countries tend to pull from it," says Mr. Young, who personally hopes that China,s spicy items go global. sometimes topped with bacon. The tocal adaptations ertend beyond eore menu items to areas Iike condiment selectioru. ln addition to ketchup and mustard, Mn Janofslgt is.a staff reporter many Thai franchises keep s.weet shelves, r e a c he d chili sauce on their in The Wall Street Journal,s New York bureau He can be at a d amj an o fstcy @ o v o Iri - -{ aa t* i o a - 6B t"d E ) ,;'i;1 E:, r lrd, d &g,E Q' E I E o o i t io IES A V #) A c I tr l! CI E o u Ea, tiE lr{- a IU =t E o o .o -6 E ho A gIE o >r tn t, E o 6!3 E o o o o - -r Q 'Er ? a r-{ tt Alr +. ''17-et 'e-t V A 11 lr{ s :;:5 E EE s Es 5f; Sr; E ;f:fiEEJFg5rEE -;s$f lu \{, t* -a'--7 o- rJ G t^ sl q .E q C '6 H;E i its iE$sSHFxeIFsEs= E.59di.0EPJs,Iq ff;? - rfl tr E ;;€gjsEs $i€gs Y o=l - d' E s;sgFgg;EE -y, A#o g> 8.9 o-> L A (, L., t- ) E L J LL *: Eg eE HEf; *E giEI gflEi EgE ro= O EE BE EBEgiggI iiiiI L-JUE Fq< gI EEggBi iI iEBEgi . :t 0) c6 xx 9.*.4 sflflE6tE8 gP gEEE IEEEEE 16e'E'=,:i lil '5 HE E ea r )6-^1 Hig!: E;*E"iEgE3q AEEn:aatEaiee Bg::.* ;a;g:Eg::a"n€g: +Ei:f e?EHEEEE E'! - 5q u tr * f;iIEB BgE;€EEIEHE !f,rl (l) oi E=at E.e'E E IE-Fo I E.E3e eEEs?taqe .!>,6N?r0)6 EEEE E-;;;.E t'E aE IElgEgEg:EE,ECE iEaEBaEigtEg*ttE €:EEEBEeE ie9 tr3 t*e,sSs#fiH8:!€ EeEi;;;Eg; E geE*= i:: [e;EIE:ErEE g gEgE EEEiEEEE?EEEEE; EEi Eo Ol Ef a z N 3 o o n n a F rr ES tr EUl 6-o j @ Ntt =o Et! 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Identifying Important Information - Outline
I. Building of Changes into Sales Models by IKEA
An assembly in India shoppers does shun offering of furniture chain. IKEA built
worldwide territory selling reasonably priced furniture.
Juvenile Maeztu stated moment of truth has reached after spending over six years
preparing the Indian to originate
iii. Despite IKEA considering doing business in India, it runs into a raft of
regulations after establishing a presence in 2007 that limits unknown ventures in
the country's retail sector.
II. In Europe Cheese by Any Other Name
a. Cheesemakers in the U.S found themselves in a sticky situation by not calling
many popular products by name when marketing.
b. The treaties expanded the reach out of long-lasting practices of Europe,
containing the use of obviously used names of the cheese to favor items made in
the place of originality.
c. Arla obtained ''white cheese'' or ''salad cheese'' names in Europe and other regions
where rules are applied.
III. Selling of Squid-ink Burger by Burger King
In Alaska or Alabama, the constituency is the most significant point that sells fastfood franchises
In the Middle East different oil is used since they use pure vegetable oil with a
different taste and adjust to operating in the country.
iii. An extra primary approach of having local constituents into core items is
identifying what burgers have attributed to creating a sandwich with the crunchy
bottom of fondue.


Identifying Important Information




Identifying Important Information
Article 1
“IKEA Builds Changes into Sales Model”
An assembly in India shoppers does shun offering of furniture chain. IKEA built
worldwide territory selling reasonably priced furniture. The global empire was the first store in
India, a Swedish retailer to upend the model business. Since the southern city of Hyderabad will
open the India store to mark the first in-house of IKEA with a team of furniture assembly having
150 workers employed permanently. Since most Indians were doubtful about buying
bookshelves an...

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