ART 170 UMBC Module 11 Specialists in the Early Medieval Monasteries Questions

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ART 170

University of Maryland Baltimore County



After reading the textbook chapter, choose one of the sections of videos (Vikings, Monks, or Emperors) and watch the films. Go to Discussion: Early Medieval "Vikings, Monks, and Emperors: The Early Medieval Period" and respond to the following about your chosen subject (Vikings, Monks or Emperors). Use examples of objects from your textbook and the videos to support your statements:

    • Describe your chosen group
    • Who they were
    • Where they lived
    • If they influenced, or were influenced by, or interacted, with cultures outside their own group and how it is that manifested in their art
    • What time period were they from that is covered in the chapter?
    • What kinds of objects were made by your group? Include what kind of materials and techniques were used.
    • Describe any consistent style with the art works of a group, influences on it and how that is seen in the work
    • Describe how the objects reflect their culture, especially what kind of objects were made (this includes architecture as well).

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Discussion Module 11: Early Medieval
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Describe your chosen group
Who are the monks?
Monks were individuals who dedicated their lives to particular religions. All of them had
given up on some of the worldly aspects that were regular (Balzaretti, 2019, p. 14). The monk
lived together in religious communities, and they could pray without ceasing, teach other
individuals or sing in the church choirs.
Where they lived
Monks lived in a Monastery which is a building where people lived and worshiped.
While at the Monastery, the Monks managed to devote their life and time to God (Balzaretti,
2019, p. 15). All monasteries were self-contained.
If they influenced, or were influenced by, or interacted with cultures outside their group
and how it is manifested in their art
Cultural influence played a greater role in changing the external shape of the religious
messages. The cul...

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