HUM 2052 FIT David Brooks Right to Attribute Excesses of Western Individualism Essay

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HUM 2052

Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne



Hi there. I have this essay that need to be written, and it is about the bellow comments.

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Throughout this course, we have examined western civilization’s tendency to broaden individual rights. This trend has produced modern western societies with more robust political and economic freedom when compared to Europe in 1200 A.D.

However, commentators like David Brooks of the NYT express concern that western society’s focus on expanding individual freedom has yielded unintended consequences that manifest in a deterioration of social cohesion. For example, Brooks notes that western society increasingly suffers from: sharp increases in people reporting loneliness, depression, and in rising suicide rates. Moreover, Brooks laments that many western nations are experiencing a decline in marriage rates and falling trust in institutions.

Is Brooks right to attribute these statistics to the excesses of western individualism? Why or why not?

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Explanation & Answer

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Is brooks' right to attribute that information to the excesses of western individualism? Why
or why now not?
In my opinion, I suppose that David brook is proper. The reason is the item "harmony and the
dream" by way of David brooks incorporates records that show that the belief of individualism is
regularly taken to be the distinguishing characteristic of the complete western tradition. Nowhere
has the veneration of the person been more significant than in the American social, political, and
economic principle and exercise, in which the twin pillars of democracy and capitalism rest upon
a unique understanding of individuality. People in advanced societies have ended up extra
Individualized over time.
Human beings in advanced societies have become greater individualized through the years.
People tend to arrange and interpret their social relationships in line with their individualist
values. Individualists, for instance, tend to be more invested in self-enhancement and friendships
than in constructing and preserving thick own family ties. Individualism-collectivism, at both the
personal and societal tiers, may additionally help to explain when subjective loneliness arises
from social isolation. Non-public individualism may also beautify a person's loneliness through
primary to extra i...

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