NU The New Weight Loss Supplement Has No Significant Effect Analysis

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Northcentral University


I'm working on a psychology Analytical Review and need an explanation to help me understand better.

This week, you have learned about t-tests and ANOVA and will apply what you have learned in the evaluation of several research scenarios. For this task, you will read each research scenario and answer the questions regarding each one.

Research Scenario 1
A researcher is interested in the effects of a new weight loss supplement. Participants in this double-blind study are randomly assigned to either a group that receives the new supplement or a group that receives a placebo. Participants are weighed before starting the program. After 6 weeks of taking either the new supplement or the placebo, participants return to the lab to be weighed.

  • Provide the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses.
  • Determine which type of analysis would be appropriate to answer this research question. Be specific and support your answer using the textbook or other course materials.
  • Name the independent and dependent variables used in the analysis. What are the levels of the independent variable?
  • Indicate the levels of measurement for each variable.
  • Describe the Type I error for this study.
  • Describe the Type II error for this study.

Research Scenario 2
A researcher is interested in whether certain memory strategies help people to remember information. This researcher employs students from a local college, and then randomly assigns them to one of three groups—the visualization group, the mnemonic technique group, and the rote repetition group. Participants in each group receive an hour of instruction regarding how to use the particular technique to remember lists of words. After the instruction, all participants are presented with a list of 60 words that they are instructed to remember. The words are presented one-at-a time on a computer screen. After the last word is presented, all participants are instructed to recall as many words as possible by writing them on a blank sheet of paper. All participants are given 10 minutes to recall the words.

  • Provide the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses.
  • Indicate which type of analysis would be appropriate to answer this research question. Be specific and support your answer using the textbook or other course materials.
  • Name the independent and dependent variables used in the analysis. What are the levels of the independent variable?
  • Indicate the levels of measurement for each variable.
  • Describe the Type I error for this study.
  • Describe the Type II error for this study

Research Scenario 3
A local manufacturing company is interested in determining whether their employees are as happy with their jobs as other employees. The manufacturing company asked the workers, who volunteered to participate, to rate their happiness at work on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 was not at all happy and 10 was extremely happy. The manufacturing company found that the mean happiness rating for their employees is 7.3. In the general population of workers in the United States, the mean happiness rating is 6.

  • Provide the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses.
  • Determine which type of analysis would be appropriate to answer this research question. Be specific. Please support your answer using the textbook or other course materials.
  • Name the variables used in the analysis.
  • What are the levels of measurement for each variable?
  • Describe the Type I error for this study.
  • Describe the Type II error for this study

Length: 1-2 pages

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.



Research Scenarios

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Scenario 1

Null hypothesis: The new weight loss supplement has no significant effect.
Alternative hypothesis: The new weight loss supplement has a significant effect.
Analysis: Correlation analysis would be the best option to address this research question because
it helps to evaluate the supplement's effect on the groups that receive it by relating them with the
ones that do not receive the supplement. Correlation analysis mainly focuses on measuring the
association or linking one variable and the other (Greening, 2019). It is often rep...

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