Javascript Question

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Texas A & M University


Please see attached for requirements. Must have unit tests and full code coverage over 80% using Mocha for Node.JS as shown here:

Need to be able to produce the code coverage report.

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In this assignment you will create the database and connect it to your web application. Database must include following tables: - UserCredentials (ID & password), password should be encrypted. - ClientInformation - FuelQuote - Any additional tables you feel, like States. Important deliverables: - You should have validations in place for required fields, field types, and field lengths. - Backend should retrieve data from DB and display it to front end. - Form data should be populated from backend. Backend should receive data from front end, validate, and persist to DB. - All code should be covered by unit tests. Keep code coverage above 80%. Run the code coverage report and provide it. - Use this for code coverage for the node project: - Please use Mocha for unit testing Node.JS application and Istanbul/NYC for code coverage. Fuel Quote Module - Include the quote history for a client. - Fuel Quote Form with following fields: - Gallons Requested (numeric, required) - Delivery Address (Non-editable, comes from client profile) - Delivery Date (Calendar, date picker) - Suggested Price / gallon (numeric non-editable, price will be calculated by Pricing Module - Total Amount Due (numeric non-editable, calculated (gallons * price)) - Fuel Quote History - Tabular display of all client quotes in the past. All fields from Fuel Quote are displayed. - You should have validations in place for required fields, field types, and field lengths. Description: A partner of your company has requested to build a software application that will predict the rate of the fuel based on the following criteria: - Client Location (in-state or out-of-state) - Client history (existing customer with previous purchase or new) - Gallons requested - Company profit margin (%) Software must include following components: - Login (Allow Client to register if not a client yet) - Client Registration (Initially only username and Password) - Client Profile Management (after client registers they should login first to complete profile) - Fuel Quote Form with Pricing module (Once user enters all required information pricing module calculates the rate provides total cost) - Fuel Quote History
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