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A Philosophical Response
A philosophical response
Hettie Purvis-lambkin’s wife
TJ Billings- he was the head usher at the church
Izi Cordero- the deputy president for the Puerto Rican society
Lambkin- an old deacon at the church
Deems Clemens- a local drug dealer
Joaquin Cordero- Izi's ex-husband
Reverend gee- works as the minister at the church
This novel is one of the works by McBride where he focuses on the shootings that happened at a
local New York community. In this occurrence, the shooter was an elderly deacon who had
engaged in several projects aimed at helping this community. The victim was a 19-year-old
Deems Clemens, associated with the sale and distribution of drugs that had affected the larger
community (McBride, 2020). This event made the community show their loyalty to one another
and how the drug sales events had influenced them when they considered not to tell the local
police officers about the occurrence.
The baggage of community is one of the themes revolving around this novel. The creation of a
natural order that follows specific approaches based on the effects on the community is the other
area of focus the author in the novel made.
Communication and freedom are essential elements when considering the natural events
revolving around issues concerning human rights. Although there are constant reminders in the
modern-day community to focus on the practices meant to promote humanity, this is one of the
sources of information that addresses the problems experienced by all and the need to work
towards their management. For this reason, we need stories like this as a constant reminder of the
effects of drug use and sale and how they tarnish the community's image.
Isolate a single passage
In the novel "deacon King Kong" the central theme revolves around the high cases of
murder recorded. Pages 15-35 and 70-95 focus on fate and fury that a significant number in this
community went through. After the 71-year-old Deacon established some of the projects that
aimed at assisting the larger community, they ended up trashing him. One day, after the 71-yearold Deacon was trashed, he leaves and visits the neighbourhood, where he shoots Clemens, a 19year-old man who engaged in a drug sale. However, more than 15 people witnessed the shooting,
their faith in the Deacon and how he helped them consider not to talk about the event. The
aftermath of the shootings influences the more prominent community to learn and develop the
concept that the neighbourhood was neglected. The investigation of the shootings and the events
that had occurred led to a dramatic chain of events as experienced by the police, the gangsters
and the church-goers. The interpretation of the events and the possible effects of this encounter
made some support the occurrence and defended their colleagues. As the characters in this novel
intersect, King Kong, the Deacon, tells the side of the story about the events that occurred. Full
of energy, compassion and warmth, the Deacon makes the law enforcement agency believe in his
side of the story.
Scene highlighting characters, plot and tropes
The author uses different approaches to tell about the characters and the plot (McBride,
2020). The author uses to tell about the characters through the focus on the differences in beliefs
and concepts that focused on their significant beliefs. There is an effective means to keep major
secrets hidden and ensure that the unintended audience does not contact this information. ...