GEN S420 San Diego State University Disability Q&As

User Generated



gen s420

San Diego State University


For full points, you must respond to each question in at least 3-5 sentences. Please use question and answer format, writing the question immediately before your response.

*Note: You will not be able to answer the Top Hat questions that were presented during the live class. Instead, you are required to answer the questions listed below.

Post-Lecture Responses Questions

  1. This week we had a group of guest speakers who come from a diverse array of backgrounds and experiences who share the love of adaptive sports. They each describe the barriers of adaptive sports. Pick a specific barrier that stood out to you the most and why?
  2. Our speakers shared the benefits of adaptive sports in their lives. What are some ways that adaptive sports affect their life quality?
  3. According to our guest lecturers, how is inspiration porn different from simply inspiring someone? Answer this in 2-3 sentences.
  4. Respond to one of our guest speakers: Lex Gillette, Isaac Jean-Paul, Ania Flatau, Chaka Webb, or Nico Marcolongo. Why did you choose them? What about them resonated with you and your own experiences or perspectives?

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.

Last Name 1
Student’s Name
Course Name
26 April 2021
Post Lecture Questions
1. This week we had a group of guest speakers who come from a diverse array of
backgrounds and experiences who share the love of adaptive sports. They each describe
the barriers of adaptive sports. Pick a specific barrier that stood out to you the most and
The barrier that stands out for me is the lack of resources or lack of access to resources
that would enable people living with disa...

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