N 493 Aspen University Week 5 Community Health Nursing Discussion

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Health Medical

N 493

Aspen University



Discussion Question:

Considering the various learning styles and education levels of your selected community, explain your selection of teaching materials. How do they cater to or possibly impede the audience’s receptivity to the shared health education information?

Your initial posting should be 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be a minimum of 200 words in length.

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1. Vanessa Cauwels posted Apr 29, 2021 7:02 AM The population I am directing my education program to is children between the ages of five and eleven and their parents or guardians. Children in this age group learn in various ways. For instance, a child who is five years old may not be able to read educational material passed out, and a child who is eleven years old may not want to learn by looking at pictures and being read to. For these reasons, my community education program on the importance of bicycle helmet usage will be comprised of a Power Point presentation which is colorful and appealing to everyone in attendance. I will also be utilizing my Infographic that is created in this module to relay statistics and important information for the attendees who are older. Understanding that children learn in different ways and the age of the learner is important to how they prefer to learn is important for the community health nurse to understand (Lauria, 2010). The pictures on the Power Point presentation will appeal to the younger children in the audience while the Infographic will appeal to the older children and adults in the audience. I will also be utilizing coloring books provided by the local police department and focus on the pages that focus o n bicycle helmets. I will also be creating appealing coloring pages for the younger children. Unfortunately, not every child in the audience will prefer learning in this manner. One reason the parents are included in this education program is to bring this information back home and continue to enforce what was learned. I also believe that when parents are on board with an education plan, the child is more willing to comply with the program. I am expecting the older children to have resistance to the education and enforcement of the use of helmets. Older children often want to do what their friends are doing and follow the crowd rather than being a rule follower and wear a helmet. Many times, older children whose parents require them to wear a helmet when riding their bicycle are found riding with their helmets hanging on their handlebars. I am hoping that by attending this education program, the children who are reluctant to continue to wear their helmets with their friends and out of their parents’ sight. Additionally, parents who do not have rules in their homes about wearing a helmet will ensure that their children wear helmets when they are riding their bicycles. References Lauria, J. (2010). Differentiation through learning-style responsive strategies. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 47(1), 24–29. Https://search.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/differentiationthrough-learning-style-responsive/docview/775426725/se-?accountid=34574 2. Paula Belgrave posted Apr 29, 2021 6:19 PM Teaching material is a generic term used to describe the resources teachers used to deliver instructions. These instructional materials should be appropriate for age, emotional and social environment, and ability level of participant for whom the materials are selected. It should also be diverse with respect to levels of difficulty, reader appeal and should present a variety of points of view. Since there will be persons with various education levels that will be attending the presentation, I will be conducting this structured presentation using appropriate materials in a way that everyone can comprehend. Computer, videos, handouts, anchor charts, pens, markers, and books are teaching materials that will be used at the presentation. It is important for presenters to capture the attention of their audience and receptiveness is a must when someone is making a presentation (Hamilton University Academic Center, n.d). It does not matter whether the presenter is presenting the most boring topic ever, they must engage their audience. When the presenter uses appropriate materials, it assists in delivering their message enthusiastically grabbing the audience attention. If there are inappropriate choices of material, then it impedes the audience receptiveness to the shared health education information (Stephney, 2016). Some well-chosen material that can aid in receptiveness are, using games, computers, charts, and handouts. For instance, games help to explore one’s knowledge independently as well as providing repetition (Stephney, 2016). With the use of computers, it allows you to modify assignments or presentations to best activate each individual learning needs. Even with the use of websites persons can easily obtain information about education and with the utilization of the cell phones it will be effective since people are very media conscious. For, examples I can utilize the cell phone by asking participants to find the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website which provides basic information on exercising and healthy lifestyle behaviors and identify at least two ways they can engage in such activities. Learning tools can assist teachers in important professional duties, tailoring lessons and instructions to the different learning styles and capacities within the classroom It is important for me to captivate my audience since the topic I will be presenting is of vital importance for all members. I will try to engage my audience by commencing with the aid of the computer, showing pictures and telling a story of interest then identify something that is important about the audience and current setting, show compelling visual images, ask questions, and make statements that are troubling, amusing, and remarkable. For instance, since my topic is based on diabetes, videos will be presented to show chronic diabetic ulcers and persons who had a stroke how they may become disabled because of noncompliance. At that moment explain with the use of charts how living a healthy lifestyle can promote optimal health and wellbeing. Emphasizing on the importance of the topic can also arouse attention for many. Finally, from research one can say most learning materials assist the presenter to gear their content to the listener’s knowledge, experience, and interest and most of the time when effectively use will allow for enthusiasm to the audience (Hamilton University Academic Center n.d). As a result, learning material regardless of what kind, all have some function in peoples learning. References Hamilton University Academic Center. (n.d) How to engage your audience and keep them with you. https://www.hamilton.edu/academics/centers/oralcommunication/guides/how-toengage-your-audience-and-keep-them-with-you Stephney, S. (2016, June 15). The Importance of learning materials in teaching. https://education.gov.gy/web/index.php/teachers/tips-forteaching/item/2036-the-importance-of-learning-materials-in-teaching.
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N493: Discussion Question - Week 5
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N493: Discussion Question - Week 5
Communities harbor diverse populations and are defined following the majority of their
population. A community's definition dictates the methods used in data collection and
community health education (Clark, 2015). The community in the discussion can be classified as
middle class, with the majority of its population being below forty years. Another consideration
is to capture the attention of independent individuals as their decisions to adapt to a healthy
lifestyle do not need approval from a third party. Majority of the community members have
white-collar jobs, which supports the notion that the literacy levels of the community are high.
The education materials include a PowerPoint presentation that will be projected for viewing by
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images and illustrations, which will accommodate a...

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