Labor Market

User Generated


Business Finance


***Labor Market****Plagiarism report must be attached*** Number and label each part*** Follow all instructions** Introduction and conclusion paragraphs must be included***Paragraphs must consist of a minimum of 5 complete sentences!!! The company that I selected is Macy's!!!

Write a 1000-1200 word paper that:

  • Describes the results of your assessment of the labor market from which your selected organization draws candidates for open positions.
  • Explains the population, demographics of the population, levels of education, and how much training may be required to prepare new workers drawn from this pool for positions in the firm.
  • Use regional economic corporations, US Department of Labor and other sources to provide data.

In addition to the requirements above, your paper:

  • Must be double-spaced and 12 point font
  • Must be formatted according to APA style
  • Must include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement
  • Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph
  • Must reference a minimum of two recent scholarly resources

Must include a reference page written in APA format

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer

please find the attached file. i look forward to working with you again. good bye



Macy’s Labor Market


Macy’s Labor Market

Macy’s is an international brand store that retails clothes for women, children and men,
accessories and furniture as well as cosmetics. The company operates under the renowned brand
of Macy’s Inc and Bloomingdales. It is broken into four main areas with Macy’ being the
headquarters, Bloomingdale and The four spread across 800 departmental
stores in over 45 states with most of them being strategically located in urban that enable it to
reach to its segment of customers. Macy’s Inc has an employee base of 167,000 who serve their
annual clients totaling to 50 million annually.
Therefore, the company requires a well coordinated employee team that serves the
customers throughout the year. Nonetheless, the company recognizes that the business has a
high and low season and conducts hiring for each of the season as well as year-round employees
in different departments (Dotty, 2015). On the other hand, labor market analysis is the process of
analysis and identifying the correct labor market suitable for various positions. With the various
departments in the company, Macy’s requires different positions and may from time to time

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