CSCI 2493 Withdraw Funds Function for a Bank Account Project

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CSCI 2493



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Proposal: Bank Functioning Project Name: Bank Description: • • • • • • • • Create a class Bank Account with methods to withdraw funds, deposit funds, display account information such as account number and balance. The user can open a bank account providing the following information in text file: name and initial balance name only (initial balance set to 0 in that case) Account number should be assigned in the constructor based on the value in the static field of the class. Overload the withdraw method with one that also takes a fee and deducts that fee from the account. Overload the deposit method with one that also takes an interest and increases all the balance in the account by that percent. After every transaction account number and balance should be displayed. In the main method: • create several Bank Account objects for testing purposes, deposit and withdraw funds from them in all possible ways. Requirements. purpose driven solution use of multiple classes. GUI graphics and/or audio text or other configuration file incorporation use of a data structure other than an array. README and well-commented code use of IDE and submission of complete project.
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