eu law essay 2500 words

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1. Analyze the problem of co-existing identities (national and european) in the European Union. Analyze to which extent EU law protects both - european and national – identities.

2. Analyze the role of the European Court of Justice in the process of developement of EU law.

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Semester 2 - 2015/2016 Lazarski University MA in International Relations, Faculty of Economics and Management Foundation of EU law Individual Paper – contributes 30% to total module mark Deadline: 16.05.2016 Instructions to students: You have a choice of 2 topic questions and you must select one essay title. This coursework is and individual one and must not be done as part of group. The assignment must be submitted both in an electronic (at and printed version under the same deadline. Word length: 2500 words +/- 10% (bibliography excluded) Learning Outcomes Assessed: This course work contributes to learning outcomes 1 and 2, as stated in the course description:   Identify, analyze, and critically assess the foundations of EU law Conduct research in the areas of EU law The front page of a paper shall contain student’s name, chosen topic title and the module title. Pages shall be numbered, paper must be typed and double-spaced; Font size: 12; type normal, Times New Roman. Student shall present chosen topic, supporting it with relevant arguments and/or ECJ’s case-law. Also, an adequate referencing to EU legal acts (treaties and/or secondary legislation) and literature shall be present. Student shall pay utmost importance to the issue of plagiarism. The paper shall not be copied in part or in whole from any other source, any direct quotation or paraphrasing shall be properly referenced. Direct quotations shall be in inverted commas. Assessment Criteria     Background research – is there an evidence of independent research of literature and case-law Structure and presentation of paper - the paper shall be well structured and logically organized; shall contain introduction, body and conclusions. Depth of analysis – showing evidence of individual and independent work; logical interpretation of legal acts and case-law Referencing – accurate references, detailed bibliography Topics: 1. Analyze the role of preliminary ruling procedure (art. 267 TFEU) in the system of EU law. 2. EU’s democracy deficit. Evaluate the roots of this problem and try to analyze what measures on EU level were taken in order to fight against it.
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The EU Court Of Justice and EU Law




The European Union is one of the well operational bodies globally. The European Union
includes most of the countries in Europe since it provides a unified platform where different
countries within the union can engage and operate with one another without serious challenges.
Thus, the union forms partnerships among members focusing on trade and general developmental
agenda as well as social development among members. One of the significant developments within
the European Union over the years has been the formation of the European court of justice. The
establishment of the court was aimed at handling major social and political challenges among the
member countries as it provided the best engagement route among member states. This research
paper provides a detailed analysis into the role of European Union court of justice in the process
of development of the European Union Law.
To effectively understand the role of the European Union in a matter pertaining European
law, it is important to understand the court itself and some of the key aspects involving its setup
and how it carries out its mandate. The European court of justice is considered the highest court in
the European Union, which focuses on European law. The application of the European law has
been framed in a unique way where all the member countries have been integrated to ensure that
there is no violation of any laws within its jurisdiction. The court was established in the year 1952
to create a common ground on which European law could be executed. The court thus has a
representative judge from all the member countries. The key mandate of the European court of
justice is mainly to ensure that European law is interpreted and applied equally across all the
European Union member countries. The court also ensures that countries within the European
Union abide by the EU law. The court is based in Luxembourg.



The development of the EU law
The European court of justice has been a major player and keeper in the continuous
development of the European law since its formation. Many developments have taken place over
the years bringing a more engaged Europe over the years. The application of the European law in
all member states of European nations has brought together one state, which is the European
Union. The European law bases on two major legislations, which are primary and secondary
The primary legislations within the European law are based on the treaties between the
member countries, and thus they form the ground rules for all actions that are undertaken by the
European. Any signatory member to these legislations assumes a full role in ensuring that they
uphold other directives or decisions that are made after this legislation. The primary legislations
in these case play an affirmation role by all members in ensuring that all the decisions that will be
developed by the European Union have their full support. Apart from the treaties, there are other
sources of law within the European law. Unwritten rules, which have been formed through the
jurisdiction of the European court of justice, from another source of law within the European Union
law. These unwritten rules include general principles s...

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