EDU 151 PCC Dramatic Play Young Child Development & Creative Dramatics Discussion

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Edu 151

Pitt Community College



After reading Chapter 15: Dramatic Play and Puppetry, answer the following questions with your own personal beliefs. Then, reply to two peers.

1. Discuss the importance of dramatic play to a young child's development.

2. Discuss the difference between dramatic play and creative dramatics.

3. Give an example of how you could use puppets in your pre-school classroom.

Requirements: Initial posts should be between 250 - 300 words. Replies (x2) should be 100 - 150 words each

After reading Chapter 16: Creative Movement, answer the following questions with your own personal beliefs. Then, reply to two peers.1. List the benefits of creative moment for young children and explain why/how they are beneficial to young children.2. Discuss at least 3 ways you can adapt creative movement for children with special needs. Be specific and describe the child's special need and how you would adapt the activity Requirements:

    • Initial posts should be between 250 - 300 words.
    • Replies (x2) should be 100 - 150 words each

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5:32 Discussion Board 15 by Melanie Maye - Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 1:27 PM 1. The importance of dramatic play to young children's development is language skills, social and emotional skills. Thinking skills. Pretend to play help a child understand the power of language, and by pretending to play with others, they learn that words give them the means to reenact a story or organize play. They are also experimenting with the social and emotional roles of life through cooperative play, and they learn how to take turns and share responsibly and create problem-solve. Pretend play helps the child with various problems to solve; whether it's two children wanting to play the same role, the child has come across cognitive thinking skills that he will use in every aspect of his life. 2. Creative dramatics build on play elements to create a learning atmosphere and used for educational purposes that help children work on social skills and academic subjects using theater and games by being led by a trained instructor. Kids can do role-playing exercises to help them learn about themselves and others. While the dramatic play is playing make-believe, also it is the process in which children can engage with an explorer's actual world by creating an imaginary one. 3. Puppets can sing songs, tell stories, count, and help with phonics. They are excellent for developing for paying attention. How I would use puppets is to have the kids come and sit in a circle and bring out a puppet and sing an intro song that could be before what we are about to learn, what we have already learned, or even could be a kid like a song that the kids know and excited to hear. They can join in and interact and have fun. So the kids will not be rolling around or talking loudly. I could also give the puppet to each kid and little them experience of how to use the puppet. 310 words Permalink Reply 5:33 Discussion Board 15 by Geneva Stafford - Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 11:33 PM 1. Dramatic play is an essential part of creativity and imagination in young children. Having a dramatic play area in the classroom gives the children the opportunity to express themselves and their emotions. Young children have the opportunity to act out their feelings that are difficult to express in any other way of expression. Dramatic play also teaches young children how to express their anxieties that are bothering them, and even their fantasies. Children can also learn what those around them are like and what they prefer to play with. Young children are able to learn naturally through play and interaction with other children and adults in their environment. This allows children to be expressive as well as understanding of things they are able to learn while playing in dramatic play areas in the classroom setting. 2. The main difference between dramatic play and creative dramatics is the main definition of what each one of them is. Dramatic play is the free choice play of younger children where they are imitating actions that they see others doing all around them. Creative dramatics on the other hand is mainly for children ages 6 and older in a classroom environment. Creative dramatics is the main aspect of children improvising movements during activities to try and make up their own ideas of what they are doing in that play area. Creative dramatics are something that goes beyond the lines of dramatic play and focus mainly on the creative, expressive, and improvising aspects of imagination and play in the classroom setting. 3. In my preschool classroom, I would use puppets to tell stories and act out plays and performances for my children. Doing activities like this is an excellent way to keep the children focused and give them a better understand of the emotions and actions going through the story. I will also use puppets to help the children understand concrete thoughts and ideas that may be challenging to 5:34 Curriculum moodle PITT COMMUNITY COLLEGE My Courses "r" The due date for posting to this forum is Sunday, May 2, 2021, 11:59 PM. Discussion Board 16: Creative Movement by Melanie Maye - Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 3:03 PM 1. Creative experiences can help children express and cope with their feelings. A child's creative activity can help the teacher learn more about what the child may be thinking or feeling. It also fosters growth in children in ways of thinking and problem- solving. It encourages children to make their own choices are important. Creative play is an important part of a child's development, and it gives kids an opportunity to develop on all levels. 2. 3 ways I can adapt creative movement for children with special needs are, 1.) Sensory table because engaging in sensory experiences like running fingers through dried rice or pouring water can distract and calm a child who s anxious or overwhelmed. 2.) Lightboxes because it is fun and mesmerizing for all children, and it helps increase the attention span of children with special needs. 3.) Music and circle time because can be for children who are nonverbal. Music can be a way of expressing themselves and interacting with their peers; during circle time, and they can have instruments like bells or drums and encourage them to make noise with their instrument and move their bodies to the music. 191 words Permalink Reply DB16 5:34 Curriculum moodle PITT COMMUNITY COLLEGE My Courses by Keasia Taylor - Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 9:38 AM List the benefits of the creative moment for young children and explain why/how they are beneficial to young children. The main benefits of creative movement for kids or early childhood development are creating or subsidizing emotional, social, mental, and physical development. Through children'screative movement, children benefit in many ways. First, theydiscover their strengths and weaknesses in every perspective. Children understand what they can do and what they cannot do in physical limitations and abilities. The creative movements benefit the children in terms of growth and adaptations to different situations. The inner state of the children and mood is discovered through such movements. Growth in terms of personal development, concentration in situations, body awareness, sensory movement, and social developments are all benefits of creative movement. Discuss at least three ways you can adapt creative movement for children with special needs. Be specific and describe the child's particular need and how you would adapt to the activity. Children with visual impairment have a lot of difficultieswhen it comes to creative movement. We can use ways to make them adapt to some procedures first, putting a lot of effort to make them strive to move independently. Directions given to a visually impaired child should be clear and precise to encourage them and help them learn and adapt faster. One should not be over- protective with visually impaired kids because that raises anxiety and acts as discouragement. Patience with kids with this particular need is paramount since they need to process the directions. Always describe the objects and equipment they are using to encourage them. 261 words Permalink Reply
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Running Head: DB—15


Discussion: Chapter 15

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Discussion: Chapter 15
1. Dramatic play refers to a situation where children develop make-believe scenarios where
they assign each other roles and act them out. For instance, they could act like they are in a
restaurant and one person is a cook, and the other one is a customer. Dramatic play plays a
crucial role in a child's development. It helps young children develop and nurture their
imagination and creativity. According to Chapter 15, by acting out parts of adults, children
can perceive adulthood and what it feels like to be ab adult (p. 339). They can make sense of
the world through the environment around them. Dramatic play also helps children
communicate their feelings creatively and safely. It also helps children with their
communication and language development. Children can learn new words from each other,
and other children learn how to talk and communicate with words to be included in roles.
Dramatic play further helps children sort out reality ...

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