Over the course of our semester we’ve proposed many definitions for art, and when faced with this question as an artist I often come back to this poem by Josef Albers (Links to an external site.):Choose a Passage & Interpret
- For your final assignment pick one passage of the Albers’ poem you feel captures an aspect or definition of art that has resonated with you this semester.
- Begin by elaborating on his definition. For instance, if you choose to write about “The Measure of Art”, explain in your own words what you think he means by “The ratio of effort to effect”.
Illustrate with Artist Samples
- Next, think about which art styles or artists have we looked at this semester whose work would qualify as good examples for your interpretation.
- Pick two artists we have discussed this semester to use as examples to illustrate your ideas.
- For instance, if you choose to write about the "The Aim of Art" explain which artists we looked at this semester whose work seems to deal with the "Revelation and evocation of vision". And so on.
- Select artists with contrasting styles and whose works provide different perspective on your chosen passage.
- For each artist, describe 2-3 formal elements present in their work that you feel supports your connection to the poem passage
- Word Count & Image Requirements
- Written requirements: 800 word count.
- Full paragraphs and please pay attention spelling and grammar.
- Do include a minimum of 2 image samples of 2 different artists (more is ok).
- Include the artist's name, artwork title, and year.

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.I did great work for you, you will score the best grade, please send me invites for your upcoming and future assignments.
The content of Art
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The content of Art: Visual formulation of our reaction to life.
For most artists, as well as aesthetes, content in a work of art is generally what the piece
means. It is the message that the artist intended to speak to people through the work of art. Often,
this is derived from the various elements of work or perhaps the presentation of the artwork.
However, it is not always the case that what the artist intended to pass is the interpretation that
those who view it get. This is because rather than viewing the work of art from the artist’s point
of view, people are influenced by their circumstances and immediate surroundings. Therefore,
the outcome is sometimes different unless the viewers get a glimpse of the artist’s situation or
thoughts as they did the piece. It is this resulting difference in outcomes that make...