UK Counterclaiming an Article & Why Controlled Burning Should Stop Papers

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University of Kentucky


1) Introduce the source you read by name, author, credential, and title. 300-400 words

2)Use a template from Chapter 5, "Distinguishing what you say from what they say" or Chapter 6 "Skeptics May Object: Planting a Naysayer in Your Text" to introduce their main ideas, and then what you have to say about their ideas.

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Counterclaiming an Article

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Counterclaiming an Article
I recently read an interesting piece by Mark Manson, What’s the Problem with Feminism,
where Manson contends that feminism has regressed significantly over the past few decades.
According to the author, feminists initially aimed to obtain equal rights for women based on the
equality of both sexes regarding voting rights, health, education, and workplaces (Manson,
2021). Manson appreciates that feminism has given a voice to different genders as they seek to
be given equal rights and respect. He also acknowledges that men are raised in cultures of toxic
masculinity, which negatively affects their relationships with women and themselves.
Manson links the regression in feminism to the complex nature of social equality since it
is unmeasurable. Contemporary feminism, in Manson’s viewpoint, does not oppose unjust laws
or sexism but rather the unconscious biases of people and the cultural practices that have
disadvantaged women for centuries (Manson, 2021). Like Manson, I feel that the war against
antifeminism will only create more res...

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