SPCH 1311 Houston Community College System Workgroup Structures Report

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SPCH 1311

Houston Community College System



I have attached all the requirements for this assignment. There are some videos that need to be watched to develop this assignment. 1- 1 1/2 pag max

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Speech 1311 For each prompt below, respond with a college-level. You should use terminology from the lectures and/or course videos in your discussion. Do more than mention the terms, show that you understand them by giving examples. You should have distinct paragraphs, proper capitalization, spelling, grammar, and organization. You should address all the prompts below in your post. Then respond to two classmates' posts. Your responses should refer to course material and add to the discussion. • Consider a workplace, team, or organization of which you have been a part o Describe the performance, appearance, social, and resource allocation norms o Describe the climate of the group, including each element of climate trust, supportiveness, and cohesiveness • Why do you think diverse groups perform better? • After watching the Ted Talk, what are your thoughts about the results? What does this say about rewards? (We normally do this challenge in class? If you have ever done the challenge, discuss your experience.) Resources: https://youtu.be/OUTmDtA_dwc https://youtu.be/H0_yKBitO8M
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Explanation & Answer

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Workgroup Structures

Institute Affiliation


Common classes of norms in a small organization
Norms are behaviors that are acceptable within a group or organization, which are shared

by the members and regulate the performance and productivity of an individual. Having worked
in a small juice production company, performance was a key factor as you are provided with an
explicit clue on how hard you are supposed to work and the impact it translates to the
organization. Working in a small group company, everyone’s performance was monitored and
this encouraged me in working harder as those who performed above the...

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