Do Human Genomes Contain Neanderthal Genes Annotated Bibliography

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I attached the assignment and an example as well. It gives a list of different questions to choose from, but the question that i would like to do is "Do human genomes contain Neanderthal genes? What are their functions?". If there is another one that seems easier just let me know. This is a capstone class so the level of writing is emphasized in this course.

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Annotated Bibliography Assignment Checklist (35 points total) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pick one of the four research questions Choose key words for your question Choose a database to look for papers (Web of Science, for example) Find 5 papers that relate to your question Write summaries (one paragraph long) for each paper Include a few sentences about how it relates to your question Include what key words you used and what database you used Include citations for each of your 5 papers (can be any citation style, just be consistent) Point Breakdown 35 points total for the assignment: 7 points for each of the 5 papers 4 points for the summary 2 points for how it relates to the question 1 point for including key words, database, and citation Research Questions How did eukaryotes originate? What do DNA sequences tell us about the origin of eukaryotes? Do human genomes contain neanderthal genes? What are their functions? How does genome size vary across life? What are some hypotheses as to why? How can knowledge of small population sizes affect conservation decisions? Annotated Bibliography Example Hypothetical research question: How do modern agricultural practices affect the evolution of crop pests? Reference (I used APA format here): Paredes, D., Rosenheim, J. A., Chaplin‐ Kramer, R., Winter, S., & Karp, D. S. (2021). Landscape simplification increases vineyard pest outbreaks and insecticide use. Ecology Letters, 24(1), 73–83. Keywords: Agricultur* pest* resistance Database: Web of Science Summary: One feature of modern agriculture is large fields of crop plants growing in monoculture. This landscape homogeneity may lead to higher densities of pests. This then necessitates the more frequent application of pesticides, which we know can act as strong selective pressures on pestiferous insects. In this paper, the authors studied the landscape complexity surrounding roughly 400 Spanish vineyards, and used a government database and monitoring program to track pest densities and pesticide applications over a 13-year period. They found that when vineyards were small, with complex and diverse surrounding landscapes, pests were present in lower densities and fewer pesticide applications were required. Large vineyards, and those surrounded by simpler landscapes, were associated with higher pest densities and more frequent pesticide use. How it answers the question: This paper clearly demonstrates that the large, homogeneous landscapes (that are so characteristic of modern agriculture) can lead to higher densities of insect pests. This necessitates more frequent pesticide applications. This could affect the evolution of pest insects by strengthening selective pressures that favor insecticide-resistant phenotypes.
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Explanation & Answer

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Annotated Bibliography


The hypothetical research question is: Do human genomes contain Neanderthal genes? What
are their functions?

Zeberg, H., Dannemann, M., Sahlholm, K., Tsuo, K., Maricic, T., Wiebe, V., ... & Pääbo, S.
(2020). A Neanderthal sodium channel increases pain sensitivity in present-day humans. Current
Biology, 30(17), 3465-3469.
Keywords: genomes*Neanderthal genes*function of Neanderthal genes.
Data source: web of science.
Summary: To understand this question, I need to clearly explain what the genomes are, their
location in the human body, and their functions. Also, I would like to explain the Neanderthal
genes, what they are, and then explain if they are contained in the genomes and finally their
functions. By doing these, I would have answered your question.
The genome refers to a complete set of nucleic acid sequences for humans encoded in a
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in 23 pairs of chromosomes in a cell, and a DNA molecule found
within the mitochondria. They are separately treated as nuclear genome and mitochondria
The function of genomes is to carry the instructions for making proteins in the human body.
Neanderthal genes are inherited genetic materials found in all non-Africans people, comprised
of 1 to 4 genomes. The East Asians contain most Neanderthal genes in their genomes, followed
by the Europeans.

Do human genomes contain Neanderthal genes? Yes, human genomes contain Neanderthal
genes. The scientists carried out a test to know the blood type of Neanderthal genes, and it was
found that two Neanderthal specimens from Spain had the O blood type. In this case, there was a
probability that either they were OA or OB. They simply stuck around our genomes because
they are helpful to us in one way or another. Certain Neanderthal genes are common because
they some kind of advantageous evolution. Researchers have found that some of the Neanderthal
genes encode proteins manufactured by ...

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