Wide Sargasso Sea, English homework help

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Using the attached picture below to guide you write a 200-300 word (excluding the length of the passage) reader response to the book Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

Here is a link to the text https://smartfuse.s3.amazonaws.com/78a87010b269da3... so you can get textual references

You can also use http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/sargasso/section1.rh...

This reader response covers part two section one, part two section two, part two section three, and part two section four

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Microcosmic to Macrocosmic a. Based on the assigned reading, what specific passage is representative of the author's style as a whole? What key features of language are present? Is this passage noteworthy for its stylistic elements? Explain. Is this passage noteworthy for its rhetorical elements? Explain. b. How does this passage reflect the larger thematic issues of the text?
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Explanation & Answer

Here you are. Very best of luck in your studies! 😀

Reader Response 2 – Wide Sargasso Sea #2
Rochester, Bronte’s character and a representative of the unnamed husband in “Wide Sargasso
Sea” skeptically marries Antoinette. The marriage is off to a very rocky and unhappy start with
him having a fever on the honey...

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