
User Generated


Health Medical


I have two articales first one about digestion and secand one about protein

I want one paragraph summary between 10 to 15 sentenes and one paragraph commant between 5 to 10 sentences.

Learn how raw honey can improve digestion, relieve burns and improve your health

Learn more:

What’s the best protein dose to build muscle?

there are two artiales each on in different file

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Article 1
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Learn how raw honey can improve digestion, relieve burns and improve your health

Amy Goodrich
Many people refer Honey as “mother earth’s liquid gold.” According to Amy Goodrich, honey
contains many nutrients. Some of these nutrients are natural sugars, amino acids, vitamins,
minerals, and enzymes. Honey can be classified into two, raw honey and honey. Raw honey is
the one obtained from the bees in the beehives. Raw honey is filtered honey to meet consumer
high demand but is not nutritional. This came as a result of high demand for honey but low
production. The Chinese thought it would be good to filter and to make it more...

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