Colorado Technical University Operations Management Discussion

User Generated


Business Finance

Colorado Technical University


Please provide the warehouse manager a summative report of the main points of focus you wish to communicate regarding the module experiences you just encountered. What realizations did you come to and when? Please respond with 200–300 words to the following questions:

  • When scheduling production of your products, what were the key factors considered?
  • Why is the reputation of an organization so important?
  • How do your customers differ from one another?
  • What are holding costs and why is it important to manage them?
  • Based on your overall performance, what are your thoughts on your overall experience of the simulation program? Did application of the skills you have learned help you to maximize your ability to meet your customer needs?

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Explanation & Answer

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When scheduling production of your products, what were the key factors considered?

When scheduling production, some of the key factors considered were the targeted
market, the time needed to finish the production, workshop logistics, running to capacity, and
knowing the production process. Consideration of these factors can ensure that an organization
effectively utilizes the available resources, balancing production needs in the most economical

Why is the reputation of an organization so important?

According to...

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