Los Angeles Southwest College History Discussion

User Generated



Los Angeles Southwest College



Read the following article:

Raoul Peck -Exterminate All The Brutes (Links to an external site.)

View the link below:

Interview of Raoul Peck (Links to an external site.)

In this discussion you are doing a bullet point outline of the New Times article and then view the CNN video interview showing how the director Raoul Peck was inspired to do his film " Exterminate All The Brutes" after he finished " I Am Not Your Negro". In your discussions identify his resources and what did he learn from each in his writing of the script from the documentary? What are his objectives and mission in doing his latest film? Why is his historical insights so important?

You are required to post 3 times;( your initial post and your response to two other classmates).


McGraw Hill Assignment ( log on will be provided)

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.Done and uploaded....Check the attached file. Kindle request on me for the next part. Thanks

After he was done with “I am Not Your Negro”, which mainly exposed the history of racism in America
through Baldwin’s reminiscences of civil rights leaders like Malcom X, Medgar Evers, and Martin Luther
King Jr., the director Raoul Peck felt that it was time to talk about US race relations. Or at least
something on what James Baldwin had.
In the wake of the l...

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