GC WK 4 School Violence Cure & School Shootings Cases Analysis

User Generated



Grossmont College


Journal Instructions:

Watch the video below and follow the instructions. your journal must include a summary of the video and a personal reflection. Include at least one solid paragraph summarizing the video (8-10 sentences) and at least one solid paragraph with a personal reflection (8-10 sentences). Your reflection should convey your thoughts and opinions on the information covered in the video.

https://youtu.be/wQ4nbaGkLUM (Links to an external site.)

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.


School Violence Cure

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Video Summary
The video analyzes the issue of school violence and its cure. It mentions a few school
shootings cases, including the April 20th, 1999 Columbine High school Incidence of school
shooting perpetrated by two angry high schoolers and the case of a student in Santiago who
perpetrated a school shooting in Santana high school. Based on these incidences, the people
interviewed in the video identified the leading cause of school shootings include bullying,
ostracizing, social isolation, pressure to belong, and humi...

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