Norfolk State University Long Term Care Administration Essay

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Norfolk State University


Hello i have a research paper due that I already completed. I need help revising and possibly adding more to make my paper stronger. More references will be needed and it can't be longer than 4 pages.

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Long-Term Care Administration Long-Term Care Administration: Final Exam Cassidy Vines Norfolk State University Fall 2020 May 2, 2021 Long-term Care Administration 2 Long –Term Care Administration The importance of marketing in long-term care organizations Long–term care facilities are composed of skilled nursing facilities, assisted living, and independent living facilities with many variations. Each facility type has different clientele depending on their level of care and amenities. There are still many similarities amongst the facilities where marketing is needed to target the specific audience for each facility. Marketing allows organizations to know the target audience and figure out how to communicate with them, and convince them that their facility is what they need. "Determining the market base for a facility is equally crucial since the target populations differ among the three types of facilities" (Lauren JN, 2010). The relationship between strategic planning and marketing in long-term care According to the book, there is a debate on whether marketing is a subset of strategic planning or vice versa. ''The purpose of the strategic plan is to develop a strategy that will help the organization thrive and prosper" (Pratt, 2016, p. 462). The purpose of a marketing plan is to create strategies to sell services or goods to thrive. Information collected during the analysis determines internal and external factors that either help the organization or are harmful. Marketers can then identify companies' strengths to create new opportunities and identify weaknesses to confront potential threats. It is also essential to monitor and review the strategic plan's effectiveness for the marketing department to adjust if necessary. . The significant challenges that have faced the long-term care system in recent years. Long-term Care Administration 3 "According to the National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information, approximately 70 percent of people over the age of sixty-five will require s of long-term care in their lifetimes" (Healey & Evans, 2014). The high turnover rate is one main reason for staff shortage in long term care. The work setting in long-term care can be stressful for all staff. Combine the stressful work life and low pay makes it hard for managers to retain the right quality providers. Combining the growing population and the rise of life expectancy will dramatically increase the demand for more long-term care facilities. The success of the system in responding to the challenges outlined. Improving the quality of healthcare in long-term care is an ongoing process. From changing policies and procedures to staff training and updating equipment, leaders in the field have to balance improving quality while lowering cost. There has been lots of improvement in the quality than ever before. The development of quality improvement programs is a way to standardize care throughout all long-term care facilities. Administrators have come up with different techniques and incentives to support the programs. The challenges and opportunities of future long-term care managers are likely to face. Managers' primary goal in long-term care facilities is to keep the cost low while providing high-quality care. With the increasing number of people who will need long-term care services, more facilities will be needed to create competition. One benefit of that would be the increased incentives from the administration to successfully benefit high quality and low cost to bring in consumers to their business. Another challenge that could potentially impact the future Long-term Care Administration 4 healthcare managers would be the need to coordinate with other facilities. Each resident's die needs of each resident individually coordinate when managers need help from outside sources to provide services for their resident that they cannot. Pros of this could be a potential expansion or merger between two successful organizations. Building solid relationships with others or expansions will also help market the organizations' services to their clientele. Reference Page Laurence JN, Kash BA. Marketing in the long-term care continuum. Health Mark Q. 2010 Apr;27(2):145-54. doi: Pratt, J. R. (2016). Long-term care : managing across the continuum (Vol. 4, p. 462). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Healey, B., & Evans, T. (2014). Challenges for Long-Term Care in the Future. Ebrary.
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Long-Term Care Administration

Cassidy Vines
Norfolk State University Fall 2020
May 2, 2021




Long –Term Care Administration
The Importance of Marketing in Long-Term Care Organizations
Long–term care facilities comprise skilled nursing facilities, assisted living, and
independent living facilities with many variations. Each facility type has different clientele
depending on their level of care and amenities. Therefore, adequate marketing is necessary to
target the specific audience for each facility, as conveyed in the statement, "Determining the
market base for a facility is equally crucial since the target populations differ among the three
types of facilities" (Lauren & Kash, 2010). Marketing allows organizations to know the target
audience, figure out how to communicate with them, and convince them that their facility is what
they need.
Marketing long-term care facilities also motivates the institutions to improve the quality
of service provision. The healthcare organization must provide quality healthcare to attract more
clientele (Kemp et al., 2014). Long-term care facilities need to have result-oriented care where
the patient's long-term well-being matters more than the specific activities carried out.
Marketing, especially with clientele, stimulates the organization to provide great quality so that
they can have ambassadors who speak highly of the organization.
The Relationship Between Strategic Planning and Marketing in Long-Term Care
There is a debate on whether marketing is a subset of strategic planning or vice versa.
Pratt (2016, p.462)) s...

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