Mount St Marys University Moral Vision and Original Sin Discussion

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Mount St Marys University


Write 3 pages. Answer #1: On original sin from "For Reflection and Further Study" (pp. 143-5). In your answer, include the following:

  • Material on Genesis 1 and 2 from pages 135-7.
  • Partnership as the goal of creation -- God's providential plan (see the definition of providence on page 145 under question #2).
  • Original sin as competition with God.
  • The nature of evil in relationship to the goodness of creation.
  • The final question on page 145 -- How do we continue to have faith in God and the goodness of creation?

Book reference:

McCarthy, D. M., Donohue, J. M., & Mattison, W. C. (2018). Moral vision: Seeing the world with love and justice. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company

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Moral Vision: Original Sin

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Moral Vision: Original Sin
How do we hold the inherent goodness of all creation and the inherent goodness of
humanity when we continue to see how poorly and carelessly we can treat the world and
each other?
The overarching aim of God’s creation as highlighted in Genesis 1 and 2 was to realize
goodness through the creations (McCarthy, Donohue & Mattison, 2018). This is why after
completing each creation, God would look back in awe of the goodness that each being presented
(McCarthy et al., 2018). This means that everything that God did was filled with goodness and
the fall of man was a deviation from his original plan. Unlike in the Babylonian creation account
where man was created as a product of the death of an ostensibly evil person, God’s creation in
the Bible was an extension of his principle qualities of love, compassion, benevolence and
goodness (McCarthy et al., 2018). Even though the fall of man into sin altered the original
goodness, we still possess the quality intrinsic in us. We activate it in many ways in our daily
lives whenever we realize ...

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