Mount St Marys Christological Hymn Presented in the New Testament Discussion

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Mount St Marys University


Part 3: ch 12

Write 3 pages on the "Suffering Servant" section of Moral Vision, Chapter 12, pp. 150-5.

Include in your answer:

  1. )note the content of the suffering servant passages (pp. 150-1).

Book reference:

McCarthy, D. M., Donohue, J. M., & Mattison, W. C. (2018). Moral vision: Seeing the world with love and justice. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company

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Moral Vision: Suffering Servant

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Moral Vision: Suffering Servant
The identity of the “servant” mentioned in the book of Isaiah has diverse meanings. As a
result, the identity might be applied into situations that do not apply as discussed from the different
chapters of the book of Isaiah. The suffered servant means one who is vindicated by God, and one
who greatly suffers. The book of Isaiah presents different passages which depict the suffering
servant. According to Isaiah 42:1-4, the passage depicts God’s chosen servant in whom He is well
pleased. The presented servant is one through whom God would bring justice to the face of the
world, and across all nations. This would be achieved through the gentle persuasion of the servant’s
life but not by crying or shouting (McCarthy, Donohue & Mattison, 2018).
Furthermore, in Isaiah 49:1-6, the passage shows the servant who thought in his mind that
he was laboring without any gain, however, later established that his complete trust in God was
his continued source of strength. God worked through the servant’s lack of strength for Israel to
become a light to the nations of the world and that God’s salvation would reach all nation...

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