University of Nairobi Development of the Behavior Modification Project Essay

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University of Nairobi



Behavior change is poor listening

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Behavior Modification Project Part 4 - Final Report (50 points)

At the end of the four-week journal period, write a final report consisting of a 3-4 page (750-1,000 words) discussion of the following questions. This report must be submitted in Microsoft Word doc or docx format and will be graded for detailed discussion of the required questions below as well as writing quality, grammar, and spelling.

1. The new behavior: Describe, specifically, how your behavior has changed from the beginning of this project.

2. New conditioned stimuli: In the beginning you were asked to identify objects or events you would associate with the new behavior to help it become established. Discuss how effective these stimuli become associated with the new behavior? Did any of these cues backfire on you? If so, why do you think they did not work? Did you adopt any other stimulus cues along the way to help make the behavioral change?

3. The reinforcements for the new behavior: How effective were the reinforcements and the reinforcement schedule that you chose? Did the type or schedule of reinforcement that you chose hinder your progress in any way? If so, how, and why do you think that was? Did other types of reinforcements occur to you that you might consider using in the future?

4. Behavioral changes: Since making this change in your behavior, have you noticed other behaviors that have changed as well? Why do you think these additional changes occurred? Of these additional changes (if any) were you expecting these to occur? If so, why? Did any additional changes occur that you did not anticipate?

5. Road Blocks: Did the obstacles you predicted occur? Did anything come up that you did not expect? How did you handle each of these issues?

6. Results: To what degree was the change successful? Again, refer back to Parts 1 and 2 to review your reasons for the change and the goals you had. Plausible explanations for success or failure should be highlighted. If your plan failed, propose an alternative plan that might be more successful in the future. If your plan succeeded, discuss a brief plan to help you maintain the change.

7. Personal Summary: Briefly discuss your reaction to this project. For example, were you surprised by the results that you found? Did anything along the way surprise you? Did you find this project useful? Why or why not?


Psyc 100 Behavior Modification Project Part 3 Rubric

Psyc 100 Behavior Modification Project Part 3 Rubric


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4 Weekly Journal EntriesHalf-page to one-page (100-250 words) journal entries (include the date for each entry) describing your progress thus far in specific, measurable terms including how frequently you engaged in the problem behavior and how frequently you successfully changed the behavior, as well as any challenges or obstacles that you experienced. Your journal entry should also include discussion of revisions to your change plan that you made or plan to make for the next week, sources of support for making the change that you found helpful, and benefits of the change that you are noticing. Adequate content and writing quality.

30 pts

Full marks

0 pts

No marks

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1. The new behaviorDescribe how your behavior has changed from the beginning of this project.

6 pts

Full marks

0 pts

No marks

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2. New stimulus cuesIn the beginning you were asked to identify objects or events you would associate with the new behavior to help it become established. Discuss how effective these stimulus cues were for you. Did you adopt any other stimulus cues along the way to help make the behavioral change? Did any of these cues backfire on you? If so, why do you think they did not work?

6 pts

Full marks

0 pts

No marks

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3. The reinforcements for the new behaviorHow effective were the reinforcements and the reinforcement schedule that you chose? Did the type or schedule of reinforcement that you chose hinder your progress in any way? If so, how, and why do you think that was? Did other types of reinforcements occur to you that you might consider using in the future?

6 pts

Full marks

0 pts

No marks

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4. Behavioral changesSince making this change in your behavior, have you noticed other behaviors that have changed as well? Why do you think these additional changes occurred? Of these additional changes (if any) were you expecting these to occur? If so, why? Did any additional changes occur that you did not anticipate?

6 pts

Full marks

0 pts

No marks

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome5. Road BlocksDid the obstacles you predicted occur? Did anything come up that you did not expect? How did you handle each of these issues?

6 pts

Full marks

0 pts

No marks

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome6. ResultsTo what degree was the change successful? Again, refer back to Parts 1 and 2 to review your reasons for the change and the goals you had. Plausible explanations for success or failure should be highlighted. If your plan failed, propose an alternative plan that might be more successful in the future. If your plan succeeded, discuss a brief plan to help you maintain the change.

6 pts

Full marks

0 pts

No marks

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome7. Personal SummaryBriefly discuss your reaction to this project. For example, were you surprised by the results that you found? Did anything along the way surprise you? Did you find this project useful? Why or why not?

6 pts

Full marks

0 pts

No marks

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting quality3-4 page (750-1,000 words). This report must be submitted in Microsoft Word doc or docx format and will be graded for detailed discussion of the required questions below as well as writing quality, grammar, and spelling.

8 pts

Full marks

0 pts

No marks

8 pts

Total Points: 80

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1 Behavior Modification Journal Rayan Alharbi Dr. Joel Lynch 2 Journal Entry April 3, 2021, week one journal. I began addressing my challenge of poor listening by focusing on behavior modification and reducing the blocks that interfere with my attention. So far, I have learned the need to set alarms when using electronic devices to reduce the distractions and challenges of poor listening. Additionally, I have conditioned myself to giving attention to precise things that should be of great concern, especially by focusing on the major aspects of quality listening skills. The level of perfection attributed to the effective measures involve a key approach to behavior change through advanced concentration on the things that do matter. The critical solutions involve a focused approach and entity on the things that matter with the critical elements of ensuring that my listening skills are good. For two days, I have learned to put my phone away to help in an adequate concentration and enhance the attention which is good for listening. As a skill, I have mastered the art of reducing the poor attention habit while implementing the right protocols of enhancing the changes which is key in helping control the challenges and threats in a manner that is consistent with the major avenues and success factors as required. From the progress, my listening skills are coming to the right levels and within the perfect schedules to help in addressing the major challenges and enhancing competitive active listening. Running head: JOURNAL ENTRY1 Behavior Modification Journal Rayan Alharbi Dr. Joel Lynch 2 JOURNAL ENTRY Week two Journal During the first week, I identified what distracted me from active listening, and I have been very keen on dealing with some of the things. During the first week, I was struggling to keep my phone away so that I can enhance my listening, but as the going continues, it has become a habit, and during this week, I just find myself keeping my phone away and even if I have it, I don’t keep on checking on it. The notifications I was getting from my phone were the greatest distractor. During this second week, I always keep my phone in silent mode. Even after doing away with distraction from the phone, my colleagues' distraction was still an issue this week. On Tuesday, I tried to change my position in the class sat close to a friend who is always quiet in class. Here I learned that I could listen properly, and by Thursday, I was perfect. I realized that friends are distractors when it comes to active listening. This week, I have learned to talk to my friends at the right time and excuse myself when vital information is passed so that I can listen keenly. Running head: JOURNAL ENTRY 1 Behavior Modification Journal Rayan Alharbi Dr. Joel Lynch 2 JOURNAL ENTRY Week three journal By Monday this week, I had done a lot of research on how I can deal with my poor listening habits, which I have improved on. This week, I have made it a habit of walking with a notebook and anytime the speaker is talking. I always ensure that I take essential points and write them down. Anytime a speaker finishes his speech, I ask questions by first mentioning some critical issues discussed. This has worked well for me, and on Wednesday, when we had a guest speaker, I realized that I came out of the meeting with a lot of points. Taking notes makes me active for a long time because I used to listen only for the first ten to twenty minutes in the past. During this week, I have also been engaging my friend, and I am practicing how to give feedback in case we are communicating. Active listening skills require one to provide feedback to know that indeed you understand what they are discussing. With this practice, I have realized that it is easy to focus on the speaker’s words, and I don’t worry anymore to respond. What is driving me throughout this is my desire for continuous growth. Running head: JOURNAL ENTRY 1 Behavior Modification Journal Rayan Alharbi Dr. Joel Lynch 2 JOURNAL ENTRY Week four journal I have improved for the past three weeks, and I strongly believe that up to now, my listening skills have enhanced. Engaging my friend and walking with my notebook, and taking notes anytime I am listening has helped me. This week, I have focused on handling interruptions and imposing my solutions during any speech. I the past, I used to interrupt the speaker, and I even sometimes imposed my solutions. I have realized that this was so bad of me since it was sending the message that maybe I am important that the speaker, I don’t care of what the speaker is saying and that I am the winner in every conversation. I have learned to listen keenly by giving the speaker time, and I only interrupt when I have not gotten important points, and I want the speaker to repeat the points. I have learned that I cannot achieve all these by myself, and in most cases, I engage my friends in conversation as I practice listening. I have learned to listen keenly with an open mind without judging the speaker or even criticizing them. Indulging in a judgmental bemusement will automatically affect how you listen, and from the research that I have carried out, it is likely to compromise your effectiveness as a listener.
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.

Poor listening

The new behavior

It contains the discussion about the behavior which is embraced from the old one.

New conditional stimuli

It discusses various factors which stimulate the new condition that is embraced after the
old habit.

The reinforcement of the new behavior

In this section, the main point which is covered here is various factors that are to be done
to strengthen this new behavior without going back to that old habit.

Behavioral changes

The main points under the discussion here are the changes that will take place in one’s
behavior once one embraces the new behavior.


The main topic under discussion in this section is about the various factors which if put in
place correctly, will help to further strengthen the new habit which is embraced.

Personal summary

It consists of my view about the main points which are discussion, it also includes my
suggestions about how the issues should be dealt with.

Please view explanation and answer below.


Behaviour Modification Project
Institutional Affiliation


The new behavior
I used to be a very poor listener in the past and my behavior modification project was
aimed at ensuring that I change this and be the best listener. It is crystal clear that for the four
weeks I have practiced behavior change, I have gained a lot and my listening behavior has been
greatly enhanced. I remember in the past I was a very poor listener but now I can attest that I am
a very good listener who comes out with constructive points after every speech or even a
discussion. During the first week, I found it very difficult for example when it comes to handling
my phone but now I have improved and known how to deal with my issues in ensuring that I am
the best listener.
New conditional stimuli
To modify my behavior, there were several things that I had to away with. For example,
my phone was a great destructor when it comes to my listening behavior. I was concentrating
much on the phone and this distracted how I pay attention to other things. Putting my phone on
silent mode when I am listening played a vital role in ensuring that this behavior modification
project is successful. Every good thing starts with proper time management and I also identified
this when I was starting to modify my behavior (Roman Ruiz & Munuera, 2005). I used to set an
alarm to time myself on everything I do and I am pretty sure that all these worked. The only cue
that almost backfired on me was to change my sitting position because some of my friends
thought that I was running away from them but later, they all came to understand me.
Reinforcements for the new behavior
To enhance my listening, I had to do several reinforcements. The first reinforcement I
made was to put my phone on silent mode whenever I was listening and this worked well for me.
I also had to change my sitting position because I realized that some of my friends were

destructors and this was preventing me from listening keenly. The reinforcement that I believe
worked best in my favor was carrying and notebook and taking notes during any speech. With
this, I was able to remember the things the speaker talked about very first. Taking notes required
me to be very active because you can only note down what you have heard properly. It is during
this period when I realized that there is a difference between hearing and listening. When you are
only hearing, you will come out with nothing from the speech but when you are listening you
will be trying to internalize your ideas and obviously, you will come out with something
(Bernstein et al, 2017). The most important thing about behavior modification is changing your
attitude and loving what you are doing.
Behavior changes
By making this change...

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