Florida National University Advanced Primary Care of Family Practicum Essay

User Generated


Health Medical

Florida National University


Describe your vision of your role as an APRN.

One original post weekly with a minimum of 250 words addressing the assigned question or topic of the week. Postings must be original, clear and relevant to the weekly assigned course topic. Make sure you provide appropriate references and utilize APA style.

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Explanation & Answer

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My Vision as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

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My Vision as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
I am an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) with advanced education and
practical experience. I have a master's degree in nursing, and the major duties I do in the medical
field are providing primary care, mental care services, managing chronic diseases, and birthing.
Sundean et al. (2019) affirm that due to dynamic changes in...

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