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Recruitment and Training of Police Officers week 4 assignment

Address the issues below thoroughly from a management and leadership perspective.

At this time, it is not generally necessary to have highly educated (formal education) police or correctional officers, although most, larger metropolitan agencies prefer it. Administrators often claim that all an officer needs is training.

Describe the difference between education and training. Discuss whether or not it is to the benefit of the officer, and therefore the department, to have educated employees? Identify and discuss the qualifications you would require for someone to be hired as a police officer. Explain the salary and benefits would you offer in order to attract the police officer candidates that you described. (Assume there are no budget constraints.)

Your paper must be three to four pages in length (exclusive of title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. Support your claims and subclaims with material from the text, Police Administration, as well as two academic resources from the Ashford Online Library.

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