LMC 3403 GIT Development of Telecommuting Technology Annotated Bibliography

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LMC 3403

Georgia Institute of Technology


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Kruschek Spring 2021 LMC 3403 Activity Fourteen: Reports and Research Due Date 4/17: Genre and Research Write-up Due by 11:59pm via Canvas Activity This week you will be learning about internal reports, specifically recommendation reports, and start researching for your final major assignment. Internal reports are used more often than external ones, but the distinction is that an internal report is meant to be used within an organization rather than shared among a larger, public audience. Next week you will begin drafting a researched recommendation report on the pros and cons of telecommuting, i.e. working from home, using what you know about reports and the research you have done this week. Report Genre Analysis: Half to one page, single spaced. In lieu of a reading quiz, please summarize what you consider the most important parts of the readings this week on reports. Return to any previous lectures/transcripts for elements of other genres that I regularly discuss, i.e. format, content organization, best practices, etc. Your summary should have minimal quotes, full sentences, and multiple paragraphs as needed. For this activity, I’m looking for evidence that you understand how to “read” a genre and understand what it does rather than what the content says. Research Write-up: One to one-and-a-half pages, single spaced, of five publicly available sources, meaning sources that are available to the general public and not kept behind a paywall, about telecommuting/working from home. This portion of the activity will be similar to an annotated bibliography. If you’re not familiar, an annotated bibliography is simply a way of organizing research at varying levels of formality depending upon the context. For the purposes of our class, your research write-up will be fairly informal and consist of brief summaries of five publicly available sources and a brief discussion on how you might use each source in your report. I’m guessing many of you are familiar with what telecommuting is by now because, pandemic. However, you may not be aware of how the business sector viewed working from home before the pandemic or how they and perhaps their employees might view it now. That means you may (read: will) have to find/skim more than five sources to get the gist of the conversation. It’s unlikely that the first five sources you find will magically be the most useful, insightful, credible, and/or up to date out there. That’s a normal part of the research process; keep digging and keep track of everything you find before whittling down your list to just five to complete this activity. You may eventually end up using all five sources in your report, you may only use some, you may use all you’ve found and more as you complete the larger assignment. Again, this is all a very normal part of the research process. Format-wise, the sources you decide to include in your write-up should be listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name or publication if no author is credited, a link to the source, and two short paragraphs. You do not have to create formal citations for your sources. The first paragraph will be only a summary of the source and the second will be your plan for how to use this in the report. In this second paragraph, you can include things like whether this source is useful for making a pro or con argument, if the author cites other sources, if it’s relevant for the working world post-pandemic, and/or anything else that might be helpful when you begin writing the report next week. Again, these can be short paragraphs and ultimately should be useful for you and your understanding of the issue (telecommuting). Each source and pair of paragraphs should be single spaced with a double space between sources and paragraphs, just like how this document is formatted.
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Reports and Research
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Reports and Research
Allen, T. D., Golden, T. D., & Shockley, K. M. (2015). How effective is telecommuting?
Assessing the status of our scientific findings. Psychological Science in the Public
Interest, 16(2), 40-68. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1529100615593273
The development of telecommuting technology has revolutionized the business world,
with workers now working away from the office. This article carries out a content analysis on the
existing research on telecommuting to better understand its use and implications. It also seeks to
draw an informed conclusion on the benefits and drawbacks of telecommuting by analyzing
different and divergent research done on this topic. This article determines the implications of
telecommuting on the employees' work outcomes, attitudes, and work-family issues. It also
covers the support that can be rendered by organizational management to better the
telecommuting experience.
This article will be important in the drafting of the report. It would be effectively used to
argue for the adoption of telecommuting technology in businesses and other organizations. The
authors analyze various sources touching on telecommuting and its implications to society, from
a business and organizational angle to a personal angle. This article is highly relevant to the postpandemic working world. It points out the various benefits businesses and employees stand to
gain by adopting telecommuting technology to dispense their services. It also highlights the
legislation that should be put in place to regulate telecommuting technology, which is crucial
during the post-pande...

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