EU Business School Apple Strategic Report and Management Discussion

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Hello, the selected company must be "apple". Low similarity, Harvard style, everything explained on the attached.

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BCO321-STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FINAL REPORT Task brief & rubrics Task As an individual assignment, you may choose the same corporation as in your midterm exam to produce your final report. You will develop and submit an audit report reviewing the basic Strategic steps the company has followed in the last three years, including the pandemic of COVID19. In particular: 1. Critically evaluate how the corporation has adapted its strategy during COVID-19 pandemic, since March 2020. 2. How has its main competitor reacted to the pandemic? Can you find similarities or differences in its approach? 3. What type of Corporate Social Responsibility programs has the corporation focused on during the pandemic? You will need to: • • • • Apply and highlight the concepts and theories learned in the course Insert in your report figures, charts and images to support your models Refer if needed to articles, newsletters and videos you may find about the matter Identify areas of improvement you may find whilst auditing the company Formalities: • • • • • • • Type of Report: Word Word count: 2000-2.500 Line Spacing: 1,5 Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total word count. Font: Arial 12 pts. Text alignment: Double Justified. The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style. Submission: Via Moodle (Turnitin). Sunday 9th May at 23:59 CEST Weight: This task is 60 % of your total grade for this subject. Learning Assessments It assesses the following learning outcomes: • analyze and explain the concepts, principles and practices associated with strategy formulation and implementation • demonstrate an understanding of the complexities of strategic management • conduct and present a credible business analysis Rubrics Exceptional 90-100 Student selects all relevant concepts, demonstrating an excellent understanding of the task. Good 80-89 Student selects some key concepts, demonstrating a good understanding of the task. Evaluation (40%) Student constructs a coherent argument to present a well-justified report. Student constructs a mostly coherent argument to present a report with some justification. Communication (20%) Student communicates their ideas extremely clearly and concisely, respecting the page limit. Student communicates their ideas clearly and concisely, respecting the page limit. Synthesis (40%) Fair 70-79 Student selects a few concepts, demonstrating a fair understanding of the task although some concepts might be missing Student attempts to construct a coherent argument and present a report, although it may lack justification or demonstrate minor misunderstandings. Marginal fail 60-69 Student fails to select relevant concepts, demonstrating insufficient understanding of the task. Student attempts to construct an argument and present a report, although it lacks justification or demonstrates misunderstandings. Student communicates their ideas with some clarity and concision. It may be slightly over or under the page limit. Student communicates their ideas in a somewhat unclear and unconcise way. It is over or under the page limit. Fail
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Apple Strategic Report

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Apple Strategic Report

Apple Inc. is amongst the most profitable technology companies globally. The
company was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak during their college life.
The partnership between these two had been blossoming in their early days. Apple is
highly innovative and diverse. Its innovativeness and diversity have put the company in a
better position to compete within the technology industry effectively. Currently, Apple Inc.
is ranked position four amongst the fortune 500 lists of companies based on its 2010
profitability Index (Fortune 500, 2021). Apple deals with the production, distribution, and
selling of computers, mobile phones, and media gadgets such as iPods and Home Pods.
Apple's business strategy over the last three years has been revolving around product
differentiation and online or digital selling. Before Covid-19, Apple was differentiating its
products and services to realize more sales. Besides, the company has embraced digital
Apple's management has remained committed to ensuring that selling digital
services and its products can substantially impact its overall success. Kaponda (2020)
noted that Apple is committed to continuing selling its digital services via the iTunes and
App stores, creating a unique influence within its online business context. Apple Inc. has
tried its best while navigating through the previous adverse effects and business
challenges such as stiff competition and the Covid-19 pandemic. The company's strategic
approaches must be praised for successfully maneuvering through these challenges to
continue earning more profit year in year out. Apple's critical success factor is its strategic
decision-making, which plays a massive role in maintaining a healthy level of emphasis
on creating a highly diversified business environment. The paper seeks to review the
significant strategic steps that Apple has taken and followed in three years. In doing this,
the report aims to evaluate how Apple has adapted its strategy during the Covid-19
pandemic since March 2020 and compare its reactions to its main competitor Microsoft.
Lastly, the paper outlines the company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) since the



Apple Business Model
For the past three years, Apple has faced two significant problems. These
problems consist of stiff competition and the Covid-19 pandemic, which has significantly
affected its profitability. Therefore, as a move for management to deal with these
problems, online or digital sales strategy was improved for better results. Besides, efforts
to deal with the competition have seen the company engage in a series of highly
innovative product differentiations since its establishment. In 2017, the company was the
most valued company globally, which was primarily motivated by the simple strategy.
Whenever the customer knocks o...

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