ENGL 222 ERAU Mod 2 Communicating in a Multi Generational Workforce Discussion

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Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach


  • Discussion: Communicating in a Multi-Generational Workforce.
  • This assignment will be checked for plagiarism. If you haven't watched the plagiarism announcement post, I encourage you to do so. For the first time in American history, we have five different generations of employees in the workplace – Veterans, Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Gen Y, and Gen Z. Each group represents different beliefs, values, attitudes, and behavioral norms.This multi-generational mosaic can affect how members of these groups work in teams, implement new business practices, and perform the job. Generational differences also have performance implications in terms of the level of commitment to goals, recognition of authority, and understanding of work instructions. According to Dhawan and Joni, "the ability to bring together different kinds of people and ideas to foster the recombination of different ideas, and to see things from a different perspective, is a key part of connectional intelligence and a key skill for both individuals and institutions to develop if they want to remain competitive" (Slim, 2013, pp. 133-134). The mission for business is to harness the energies of each generation and create a synergy that breeds winning interpersonal relationships.Review the following for further insight into the melding of generations:
  • Generational Differences Chart (West Midland Family Center) (PDF)
  • Understanding Generation Z in the Workplace (Deloitte)
  • Millennials -- Who are they? The Original 60 Minutes Interview From 2008 (YouTube - 3:15)
  • Discuss the following questions:
    1. What problems do you foresee occurring with five generations as members of the same workgroup?
    2. What communication strategies would you suggest to minimize the differences and create a cohesive team?
    3. What one tip from The Harvard Business Review's Spotlight on Leadership "Leadership is a Conversation" (see Module 2 Readings and Resources)could you apply to improve employee engagement across all five generation. To earn full points, citing the textbook and outside sources is required. Your responses should be lengthy showing insight and analysis.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.There you go buddy. You can ALWAYS chat me for comments and revisions . Take care :)

1. What problems do you foresee occurring with five generations as members of the same
Members of a multi-generational community will impact how they collaborate in teams,
introduce innovative management practices, and complete tasks. This is because various
generations had different methods of engaging with one another. Traditional generations
ages (70-87), for example, speak in a structured, rational way, using correct grammar and
etiquette. On the other hand, Generation X (35-50) communicates quickly and directly
with a blunt and clear sound. This group still utilizes slang and other casual speaking
forms, rendering it impossible for members to connect via interaction (Deloitte, 2019).
According to (Deloitte, 2019), several factors distinguish one generation from the
previous. Its distinctions describe a gen...

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