Business and finance

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Business Finance


By using the book, answer question: 1-5, 1-6, 2-1

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2-1 Airline Delays How will commercial airlines respond to the threat of new $27,500 fines for keeping passen- gers on the tarmac for more than three hours? What inefficiency will this create? 1-5 Goal Alignment Between Airlines and Flight Crews Planes frequently push back from the gate on time, but then wait 2 feet away from the gate until it is time to queue up for take-off. This increases fuel consumption, and increases the time that passengers must sit in a cramped plane awaiting take-off. Why does this happen? 1-6 Goal Alignment Between Hospitals and the British Government In 2008, the Labour Party in Britain promised that patients would have to wait for no more than four hours to be seen in an emergency room. How is the National Health Service meet- ing this performance goal?
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