ENGL 2311 DACC How Future Students Can Succeed in English Memorandum

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Engl 2311

Dona Ana Community College



There three Grammar Questions need to be answered and you need to Create two Different Memo about "how future students can succeed in ENGL 2311"

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NOTE: Memo is for two buddies, it means both Memo's contents must be different as they are classmaths.

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ENGL 2311 Document Three: Instruction Memo July 6, 2019 MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: Date: Microsoft Software and IT Department staff Omid karimi, Site Manager Moving to Microsoft New Office Stone Lake BLVD July 6, 2019 Instructions for Our Move Our Software and IT departments’ staff have been increased in the past two years. So we are expanding our Austin round rock office to new office located at the 10900 stonelake BLVD. The new office will have free parking garage and building access same as round rock office. On July 11, 2019 at after 5:30 p.m. the Software and IT departments 120 staff will be moving to our new office in stonelake BLVD. IT manager Mr. Rick will lead the move. On Monday 08, 2019 the following items will be provided. • Boxes • Labels -to mark your boxes • Tape and move map The company policy allows you to take your workstation laptops, for more details contact Mr. Rick the IT manager 512-545-3040 or rick@microsoft.com. The following instructions need to be performed prior to the moving company, Apache Moving, arrives. Step 1. On July 11, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. Manager Meeting. • Selecting 8 lead assistance to smooth moving process. • Discuss the moving process in details. • Discuss the layout of new office in stonelake BLVD. • Provide moving items to staff. Step 2. After 01:00 p.m. Begin Packing. • Put foam pads around valuable, fragile items and put them in box. • Include, IT plaques, glass, or anniversary glass sculptures. • Make sure that your pack up the contents of all gray filing cabinets because movers do move those. • Any breakable items like glass, you can move it yourself/not the movers. Step 3. Write on Move Map the Number and Delivery Location of: • Corkboards ENGL 2311 • • Document Three: Instruction Memo July 6, 2019 Whiteboards Rolling Cabinets Step 4. Add a Name Label to All Your Belongings: • Tables • Monitors • Desk phone • Peripherals • Docking Stations • Ergonomic Desk • Ergonomic Chairs Your full cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Please remember the moving time and date. You may have questions or concern, please feel free to contact me at oamir@microsoft.com or 512-5452035 and moving lead Mr. Rick at rick@microsoft.com or 512-545-3040 Document Three Assessment: ENGL 2311-016 Hybrid Course 5/28/2019—8/12/2019 Amir O: This revised draft nets 8.25 of 10 points. Graphic elements and format work fairly well. However, passive verbs and a other grammar/punctuation errors weaken the memo. Please see the rubric below: Letter Grade Document Characteristics Points A-Level Fully and skillfully fulfills the assignment’s objectives, is properly formatted, and is relatively free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors Nets 90% of possible points or more B-Level Fulfills all the assignment’s objectives, is (mostly) properly formatted, and has some grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors Nets 80% to 89% of possible points C-Level Fulfills most of the assignment’s objectives and may be well formatted but contains several errors. By avoiding similar errors in subsequent assignments, you can more successfully progress in the course. Nets 70% to 79% of possible points D-Level Fulfills some of the assignment’s objectives but needs improvement in style, organization, development, and/or grammar/spelling/punctuation Nets 60% to 69% of possible points F-Level Does not fulfill the assignment’s objectives Nets less than 60% of possible points 1 This is having a Grammar Revision section and a Write-a-Memo section. SECTION ONE “Grammar Revision” QUESTION 1 1. In considering success in ENGL 2311, it is very important to remember the fact that this course requires attendance and participation. a. type-in your correction/revision, in its Answer Text box QUESTION 2 2. Technical communicators must demonstrate skills in writing memos, publication management, and designing documents. a. type-in your correction/revision, in its Answer Text box. 3. QUESTION 3 4. While driving down Mo-Pac, a noisy dog ran across all four lanes of traffic. a. type-in your correction/revision, in its Answer Text box. SECTION TWO “Write-a-Memo” Instructions Complete, save, and post your response to the following Writing Prompt: Write a memo that explains how future students can succeed in ENGL 2311. • • • • First, think about the communication concepts you applied this semester, while you were writing documents. Then, start pre-writing your memo, by creating a list of details and examples about the three or four communication concepts or strategies that served you best: what are those concepts and strategies? what are some specific examples for each of those three or four concepts or strategies? how might the examples be helpful for a future ENGL 2311 student? This pre-writing should provide some of the content for the memo. Next, analyze the needs and interests of your memo’s audience (future 2311 students), and decide what your specific purpose for the memo is. Then, write a purpose-driven, audience-friendly memo illustrating how future students can succeed in ENGL 2311. Your memo must include • • • • • • memo-format information [To/From/Subject/Date] a clearly stated purpose, in an Introduction paragraph that specifies the main idea of the memo and provides a clear focus for what will follow a discussion section with two or more paragraphs that provide sufficient, precise, reader-friendly examples and explanations (You may also include descriptive headings that help readers) a conclusion/recommendation paragraph that ties-together the whole memo and that includes specific action-steps audience-friendly design, format, and illustration(s) accurate grammar, punctuation, and spelling 5. Reference 6. Communication in the Real World, Open.lib.umn.edu This is having a Grammar Revision section and a Write-a-Memo section. SECTION ONE “Grammar Revision” QUESTION 1 1. In considering success in ENGL 2311, it is very important to remember the fact that this course requires attendance and participation. a. type-in your correction/revision, in its Answer Text box QUESTION 2 2. Technical communicators must demonstrate skills in writing memos, publication management, and designing documents. a. type-in your correction/revision, in its Answer Text box. 3. QUESTION 3 4. While driving down Mo-Pac, a noisy dog ran across all four lanes of traffic. a. type-in your correction/revision, in its Answer Text box. SECTION TWO “Write-a-Memo” . Instructions Complete, save, and post your response to the following Writing Prompt: Write a memo that explains how future students can succeed in ENGL 2311. First, think about the communication concepts you applied this semester, while you were writing documents. Then, start pre-writing your memo, by creating a list of details and examples about the three or four communication concepts or strategies that served you best: what are those concepts and strategies? what are some specific examples for each of those three or four concepts or strategies? how might the examples be helpful for a future ENGL 2311 student? This pre-writing should provide some of the content for the memo. Next, analyze the needs and interests of your memo's audience (future 2311 students), and decide what your specific purpose for the memo is. Then, write a purpose-driven, audience-friendly memo illustrating how future students can succeed in ENGL 2311. Your memo must include memo-format information [To/From/Subject/Date] a clearly stated purpose, in an Introduction paragraph that specifies the main idea of the memo and provides a clear focus for what will follow a discussion section with two or more paragraphs that provide sufficient, precise, reader-friendly examples and explanations (You may also include descriptive headings that help readers) a conclusion/recommendation paragraph that ties-together the whole memo and that includes specific action-steps audience-friendly design, format and illustration(s) accurate grammar, punctuation, and spelling . . . . .
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.

To: ENGL 2311 Students
From: XXX
Subject: How Future Students can succeed in ENGL 2311
Date: 5/8/2021
Strategies of Communication
Good communication is a vital part of our life because it strengthens the relationship
between individuals and enhances the general process of sharing information. Constant
communication through texts, emails, phone calls, video conferences and one-on-one meetings is
vital in achieving the goals and objectives of a team. Therefore, ENGL 2311students should
strive to improve their communication skills and make them their key strengths. Students should
learn how to adjust their tactics based on the situation and personalities involved. Learning and
mastering communication strategies is a stepping stone upon which ENGL 2311 students build
their insights. The following are some of the communication strategies that ENGL 2311 students
should follow to make their interaction fun and rewarding.
One-to-one communication
One-to-one communication is vital for the students to develop a bond and understand
each other better. For instance, when students talk to each other, they learn more about body
language, understand the communication methods they are most comfortable with and know
about the visual cues.

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