St Luis Understanding the Cyclical Patterns in Interpersonal Relationship Paper

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St Luis University



This is just for an essay for 450+ words

What is a relationship? what are the dynamics of relationships?

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.OutlineI. What is a coupleII. Stressors in a relationshipIII. Recommendation/ConclusionIV. RealizationI hope this helps 😀

Understanding the Cyclical Patterns in Interpersonal Relationship

A couple is a unique dyad separated from other individuals’ systems and family but interacts with them. There are certain characteristics in a relationship that a couple must have; number one is that a couple’s relationship is voluntary and a product of choice. In a relationship there
is no such thing as a martyr, we stay in it because we are getting something from it. Number two
characteristic of a relationship is it is marked by a balance of stability and growth, every relationship have conflicts and to make it continuous we must make it stable and if we achieve that ...

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