Your assignment is to share the dots you connected and start a discussion on why the entrepreneur either closed a deal with the Sharks or failed to close a deal with the Sharks. Please watch the attached video (best version I could find, slow speed to .5 and turn on captions, or find a better version if you can)
- Include your name at the top right
- Center and bold the assignment name (example, Week One OMB: Marketing Strategy applied)
- Use one-inch margins on all four sides.
- 1.15 line spacing within paragraphs and add an extra return between paragraphs. Do not indent your paragraphs.
- Use 11-pt Calibri font for your text.
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.
Shark Tank
ABC network reality television show “Shark Tank” offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to pitch their
concepts to a panel of investors for a chance to obtain funding. Whether they get an offer for funding
or not, they remain to reap the free advertising that emanates with showing up on a show with more
than eight million average audiences per episode. The core concept of shark tank is to help
entrepreneurs who need the extra drive to jump start their venture. While no pitch will make a comp...