California State East Bay University Shark Tank Discussion

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Business Finance

California State East Bay University


Your assignment is to share the dots you connected and start a discussion on why the entrepreneur either closed a deal with the Sharks or failed to close a deal with the Sharks. Please watch the attached video (best version I could find, slow speed to .5 and turn on captions, or find a better version if you can)

  • Include your name at the top right
  • Center and bold the assignment name (example, Week One OMB: Marketing Strategy applied)
  • Use one-inch margins on all four sides.
  • 1.15 line spacing within paragraphs and add an extra return between paragraphs. Do not indent your paragraphs.
  • Use 11-pt Calibri font for your text.

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Application vs Summary: Your content should be primarily focused on your point of view and driven by the correct identification and application of course (marketing) topics, themes, and terms. For example, since every marketing decision should be made based on an understanding of the target market segment, make sure to use the correct segmentation terminology: demographics, psychographics, pains, gains, jobs-to-be-done, to name a few. There is a target market segment for your OMBs, so it is critical to understand that audience. In this class, assume that both you and your audience have read the same content, watched the same videos, and understand (expect) marketing terminology. Your paper should NOT be a summary of the reviewed readings and/or videos. Use your limited words wisely. If you find that your OMBs are littered with phrases like “we saw”, “we read”, “the show had”, “the chapter explains”, etc. then it would be a good idea to continue pruning your submission. Action / Compelling Argument: Your OMB should clearly communicate a call to action to the reader and make a compelling argument (using the correct business and marketing terminology) for said action. Consider phrasing your argument as a question. This could be considered the thesis statement of your OMB. The thesis statement is the sentence that states the main idea of a writing assignment and helps control the ideas within the paper. It is not merely a topic. It (should) reflect an opinion or judgment that a writer has made about a reading or personal experience. Source: HINT: Your reader should be able to easily identify a single sentence in your OMB as the thesis or argument statement. You will lose points if this is not the case. Clear Topic and Concise Delivery: This criteria evaluates the writer’s ability to provide support to the thesis or argument statement. Did the writer provide focused, concise content - including correct marketing terminology – to support or persuade the reader to adopt their argument or action statement? Remember that you are limited in the length of your OMB, so focus in on one idea or theme. Reread your OMB and make sure the support you have provided adds to your argument and does not introduce ideas that distract the reader. If it doesn’t build your case, lose it. Unique Insights: One of my favorite things about marketing is how unique and individual the discipline is. If I chose to outsource my payroll and accounting to a CPA firm, I would expect all the applicants to provide me with similar information. Conversely, if I chose to hire a marketing strategy firm, I would expect very different presentations from every RFP responder. Marketing decisions are made through an individual blend of life experiences, learnings, and instincts. Share your YOU-nique insights in your OMBs. This could include work experience, past successes, past failures, books or articles you’ve read, conversations you’ve had with industry experts or mentors, to name a few. IMPORTANT: Assume that your reader DOES NOT share these unique experiences – hence, the term “unique” – so be sure to provide sufficient context to these insights.
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Shark Tank
ABC network reality television show “Shark Tank” offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to pitch their
concepts to a panel of investors for a chance to obtain funding. Whether they get an offer for funding
or not, they remain to reap the free advertising that emanates with showing up on a show with more
than eight million average audiences per episode. The core concept of shark tank is to help
entrepreneurs who need the extra drive to jump start their venture. While no pitch will make a comp...

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