Ashford University Requirements in Implementing Big Data Research Paper

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Computer Science

ashford university


The recent advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have promoted the evolution of the conventional computer-aided manufacturing industry to smart data-driven manufacturing. Data analytics in massive manufacturing data can extract huge business values while it can also result in research challenges due to the heterogeneous data types, enormous volume, and real-time velocity of manufacturing data.

Need to explain in detail about research benefits as well as the challenges associated with Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing Internet of Things.

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Explanation & Answer

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Big Data Analytics
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Benefits of the big data analytics for manufacturing IoT ............................................................................. 3
Challenges of the big data analytics for manufacturing IoT ......................................................................... 4
References .................................................................................................................................................... 6


Big data analytics
The high demand for products leads to an improvement in how most companies
undertake numerous forms of production. Technology in the production sector plays a notable
role in changing how most of the respective organizations work and design new tools that may
promote the way most goals are attained. With the recent technological development and access
to data, many companies can decide about the right product to focus on and the changes that
could impact their operations. Despite the cost incurred in implementing most of the information
communication technology tools, the influence that this brings about in the manufacturing sector
is more influential for benefiting the companies.
From a general point, the extensive data application assists most companies in collecting
data from users and decides the data that could bring additional changes that could positively
impact the businesses and their primary operations (Jha, Agi & Ngai, 2020). This data is mainly
collected through the online platform that ranges from the banking transaction, purchases and
social media responses. The structure and format of the respective data storage measures are
responsible for changing and increasing efficiency and overall productivity.
Benefits of the big data analytics for manufacturing IoT
Businesses and other companies involved with manufacturing can benefit from the
internet of things since it gives them an insight into the patterns in the purchase. There are
different ways of determining how customers from different areas in the market purchase a
specific product. Therefore, big data analytics is essential due to the increased exposure to the
trends in the purchase and the possible ways of facilitating organizational growth through sales.
The occurrence of deficiencies in the supply chain is a significant problem that most


manufacturing companies face challenges that may impact their operations. With big data
analytics, the manufacturing companies can assess the problems affecting the supply chain
management and design methods that may put the organization success (Govindan et al., 2018).
Despite the problems that could make it hard for an organization to realize most of the goals, big
data analytics in the manufacturing sector allows companies to make the right decisions. The
other benefit of big data analytics in the manufacturing sector is that the companies can
manufacture new products and services that may benefit them through it. With the company's
information concerning the current demand in the market, the manufacturing and the marketing
team decides about the best new product and ser...

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