Ethics, Legality, Policies

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Prior to completing this discussion, please read the American Psychological Association (2010), Peters et. al. (2013) and Weed and McKeown (2003) required articles for the week.

For your initial post, evaluate the impact of public policy in regulating behaviors that are deemed detrimental to health and, therefore, affect development across the lifespan.

Using the Ashford University Library, research at least two peer-reviewed articles that explore trends with regard to a debated behavior, either the effects of parental smoking on children/adolescents or childhood/adolescent obesity/diet and exercise (You may use articles from the recommended resources list). Evaluate the unique scholarly perspectives found in your research. In addition, appraise some of the public policies that have been enacted to counter the issues arising from second-hand smoke or poor nutrition/exercise habits on your selected developmental period. Suggest and describe additional or alternate policies that might be enacted to counter the negative aspects of such circumstances.

Using the APA’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct, analyze ethical considerations in developmental psychology related to the creation and/or implementation of public policy regarding smoking bans or diet/exercise for children or adolescents.

  • Is the creation of public policy necessary in this area?
  • Based on the professional standards, is the creation of such policies ethical?

Describe how these types of policies are effective.

  • In what ways do these policies enhance and/or hinder physical, cognitive, and/or psychosocial development for the affected person?
  • Are there equally effective self-imposed restrictions that might be used instead?
  • How would you implement your suggested policy, and how would you plan to test the efficacy of the policy versus self-imposed restrictions?

Use evidence from the resources to support your statements.

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Explanation & Answer

Here is the discussion post. I found articles through the web. These also are pretty solid articles. Kindly take a look. Thank you. Floyder

Public Policy and Adolescent Development
The various longitudinal, experimental, and cross-sectional reviews of data in research
studies provides unequivocal support to the argument that parental smoking expose adolescents
to the second hand smoke and inhalation of this second hand smoke leads to fatal diseases
including pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, ear infections, and other lung diseases (Child Trends
(2016)). Adolescents also face obesity issues due to inhalation of second hand smoke. A research
study conducted in the University of Bristol revealed that the children of ...

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