Outline questions about a book

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https://play.google.com/books/reader?printsec=fron... This website you will find the chapter in

The attachment is the questions you should answer in "Short answers"

So, you need to read the chapter calls " Pharmacy " and then answer the questions in the attachment " Outline "

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Pre-Writing for Academic Analysis of Literature: Essay One, Position Paper Answer the following questions to develop the rough draft of your paper. 1. What character have you chosen to work with? 2. What qualities/features/aspects of the character do you plan to analyze? 3. How would you prioritize the presentation of the topics in (2) ? In other word, in what order do you plan to discuss them, and how much coverage to you plan to give each one? 4. Make a global sentence ( thesis ) pulling together your plan for the topics in (3). 5. What references do you plan to use for supporting (4)? Make a general outline here, giving page numbers.
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Pre-Writing for Academic Analysis of Literature......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Works Cited .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

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