KU The Death of God the Challenge of Faith Meaningful Life & Self Expression Essay

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Kean University


Will extend by 12 hours once tutor is selected.z Giving them nearly 3 days to do assignment rather than 2.

Very important that you become familiar with each authors system of thought on each topic mentioned as they each vary.

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11:04 bbhosted.cuny.edu III Home > pload Assignment: Essay #4B: Nietzsche et al & the Body 11:59 PM View Rubric How does the death of God lead to the possibility of meaning for Nietzsche? Write the transcript of an imaginary roundtable discussion between Nietzsche, Sartre and Buber on "The Death of God: The Challenge to Faith". Analyze what "God" and "Faith" mean to each author; discuss what the "death of God" would constitute for each; compare their positions. 4-5 pages. Due: April 28. OR Write a journal response to Nietzsche's understanding of the body and the physical in relation to the spiritual comparing it to Teilhard's. Be careful to define "physical" and "spirit" in the context of each author's overall system of thought before you compare their positions. 4-5 pages. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution's policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates. Institution Release Statement When finished, make sure to click Submit. Optionally, click Save as Draft to save changes and continue working later, or click Cancel to quit without saving changes. Cancel Save Draft Submit
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The Death of God, The Challenge of Faith

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The Death of God, The Challenge of Faith
The Death of God and The Possibility of Meaning for Nietzsche
The idea that God is dead results in a more meaningful life. Nietzsche argues that the
meaning of life emerged from the choice of humans not to be guided by any religion or
dictated by any society. In his opinion, meaningful life was one that seeks self-expression,
and there lacks an afterlife or God, but only what we have on earth, here and now (Fritzsche,
2013). Therefore, when people embraced the idea that God is dead, philosophers would be
free spirits, illuminated by a new dawn. Believe in God only sustains weakness. When
people face suffering alone, without the illusion that God exists, they will become stronger
and not sustain any weaknesses.
Imaginary Roundtable on "The Death of God: The Challenge of Faith" by Nietzsche,
Sartre, and Buber
Nietzsche: When there lacks any reason to believe that God exists, He dies. God's
existence idea was established to assist people in handling the widely spread senseless
suffering and pain. When Israelites had lived in too much pain, suffering, getting killed and
beaten, they found a good reason for their explanation of suffering and hope and concluded
that those responsible for suffering would get punished. There lacks no natural explanation
for faith in God. God is a mental fabrication meant to relieve humanity from trauma and offer
companionship at the point of suffering. For instance, when a loved one is diagnosed with
cancer, one may cling towards God to relive the suffering. However, I don’t think humanity
needs to have faith in God or believe in God to address traumatic challenges. They can,

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