PYSCH 101 CCC The Big Five Personality Test & the Myers Briggs Type Test Essay

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Concorde Career College



STEP 1: Assess.

Take at least two of the personality tests mentioned in this module:

Step 2: Analyze Your Results.

Compare and contrast the two assessments you completed. Discuss the results with at least one other person who knows you (preferably someone who knows you well) and decide if you believe the results accurately describe who you are.

Step 3. Write and Reflect.

Write a 3-5 page summary of the results of the personality test and discuss whether or not you agree with them. Be sure to address the following in your paper:

  • The two assessments you selected and why
  • The results from each of the assessments
  • Your analysis of the results and whether you believe the two tests (or personality assessments in general) to be accurate
  • The connection between the two assessments and personality theories as discussed in the text
  • The pros and cons of personality assessment and whether they are overall advantageous

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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.Hey, attached is the final answer, kindly go through it and let me know incase you have any question. Thank you again for choosing me. See you soon.😍 All the best.


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In my assessment, I used the following personality tests;
Big five personality test and the Myers-Briggs type test.
Having finished assessing my personality tests, I took time to compare and contrast the
obtained results. Comparatively, in both personality tests, the first two answers of the tests are
closely the same. Big five personality confirmed me as a close-minded fellow. At the same time,
in the Myers-Briggs type test, the first answer described me as a person with no preference for
introversion over the extraversion, and in terms of percentages, it is the lowest. Another
comparison is that both personality tests describe me as a person with a high preference for
judging than being just conscious.
On the contrary, the Big five personality test described me as an outgoing and friendly person,
while on the other hand, I am a person who likes to work silently. Another contrary about my
description is that I am an introvert. Furthermore, on the first personality test, I am not
predictable in forgiving ad irritability. On the other hand, I am described as understanding and
not putting hard feelings anyhow. All this contrasts and comparisons are just but coincidences
in terms of my personality and intuitive character.
Having discussed the results with my close friend, who knows me better, he confirmed that I
am an introverted person who loves his...

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