Rasmussen College Physiologic Integrity by Providing Care and Comfort Essay

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Rasmussen University


  • Integrate evidence and client preferences when planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing care.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments, including healthcare trends.
  • Design a holistic, client-centered plan of care that reduces risks and manages health alterations.

Reflective Questions

  • How did you integrate evidence and client preferences in the practicum experience?
  • How would you feel about integrating client preferences that may not align with your own values and beliefs?
  • How does the integration of new knowledge of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments impact the healthcare environment and your nursing practice?


Please review the grading rubric before beginning your reflection on the above core clinical objective. Make sure to answer the reflective questions thoroughly with substantial reference to your practicum experience.

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1 Reflection 4 – Physiological Integrity Core Clinical Objective Promote physiologic integrity by providing care and comfort, reducing risk potential and managing health alterations. Student Name 2 Reflection 4 – Physiological Integrity In this reflection, you are to look at how you met the core clinical objective: Promote physiologic integrity by providing care and comfort, reducing risk potential and managing health alterations. Remember we want to answer the below bolded questions from a leadership lens. Often the leadership perspective is looking from things not as a bedside nurse but rather how you can support the bedside nurse. Use the reflective questions found in the course practicum folder embedded in each reflection instructions to prepare you for your precepted immersion. Activity Statements and Reflection Questions 1. Integrate evidence and client preferences when planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing care. Tell me at least 1 example from your practicum that meets the above activity statement. How did you see your leader meet the above statement: a. How does a leader integrate evidence when planning nursing care? b. How does a leader integrate evidence when implementing nursing care? c. How does a leader integrate evidence when evaluating nursing care? 2. Demonstrate knowledge of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments, including healthcare trends. Tell me at least 1 example from your practicum that meets the above activity statement. How did you see your leader meet the above statement: a. How does a leader within this clinical setting demonstrate knowledge of healthcare policy? b. How does a leader within this clinical setting demonstrate knowledge of finance? c. How does a leader within this clinical setting demonstrate knowledge of regulatory environments? d. How does a leader within this clinical setting demonstrate knowledge of healthcare trends? 3. Design a holistic, client-centered plan of care that reduces risks and manages health alterations. Note this activity statement requires you to actually design a plan of care. Please design a holistic, client-centered plan of care that looks at reducing risks and manages health alterations to meet this learning activity. Note: For the holistic and client centered portions I am looking for additions such as acknowledging physical health needs, mental/emotional, social inclusive of support, job, environment, at-risk lifestyle behaviors... and perhaps even acknowledgment of preventative needs. Your preceptor 3 will be a great support as the facility should have exemplars to look at and I am always here to support you as well. 4 References
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Explanation & Answer

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Promoting Physiological Integrity


Promoting Physiological Integrity
Integrating Evidence and Client Preferences in the Practicum Experience
It is critical to integrate evidence into client's preferences, especially during the planning,
implantation, and evaluation of nursing care. The use of evidence enables the nurses to be
assured that what they are doing meets the required standards. This can be evident in my nursing
practicum as I supported patients with different health conditions. Before engaging in any
nursing practice, it is necessary to have adequate planning. The things to plan are determined by
the nursing care that a professional is about to provide to a patient. For example, when handling
elderly patients with comorbidities such as diabetes, obesity, and hypertension, a nurse should
develop a plan based on such aspects (Rohani et al., 2019). In such a case, a nurse leader is
supposed to inform various healthcare professionals about their role to the patient based on their
specialties. However, the nurse should first be aware of the professionals who have specialized in
a particular health issue. During my nursing practicum, I integrated evidence in planning for
client's preferences by researching the professionals who can serve patients with different health
issues. For example, among individuals with diabetes, I considered the collaboration between
physical therapists, nutritionists, and pharmacists.
During the implementation of the nursing care practices to the patient, I had to first
approach the patients to understand their health issues and how they want them to be improved.
After getting the relevant information, I researched the evidence-based practices necessary to the
patient with such health issues. If the evidence obtained from research does not rhyme with the
patient’s preference, I had to approach the patient again and advise him or her about the best
practices based on his or her health condition. However, if the evidence rhymes with the


patient’s preference, I had to adopt it. In this case, nursing professionals should consider
evidence-based practices during healthcare delivery (Slemon et al., 2018).
Healthcare providers should evaluate the response of the patient’s health after providing
particular services to them. Being a healthcare professional, I ensured that I apply evidence in the
evaluation of the patient’s health condition. In this case, I usually research nursing journals about
how particular services should be evaluated. For example, I had to determine the patient’s level
of blood pressure before engaging him or her in physical exercises and check it again after
practicing exercise for three months. If the patient’s hypertension appears to have improved, I
maintained the intervention. However, if it fails to improve, I change the intervention to the most
appropriate one.
Alignment of Client’s Preferences with Nurse’s Values and Belief
The patients' preferences do not always align with the healthcare providers' values and
beliefs. In some cases, the patient may have some preferences that do not meet the nursing
standards of care. In this case, the patients’ preferences may be determined by different aspects
such as their cultural practices or financial condition. However, healthcare professionals should
always obey and comply with ethical principles. Though I did not experience an instance where
the patient’s preferences did not rhyme with my values and beliefs during my practicum period, I
would address the issue based on how it should be done. For example, if the patient wants
medical treatment to be withheld or withdrawn for euthanasia, I would apply the nonmaleficence ethical principle. This principle indicates that healthcare providers should not do any
harm to the patient (Kleemola et al., 2020). In such a case, I would inform the patient that
engaging in such a practice is wrong based on the nursing ethical principles. However, the
patient insists on the practice based on his or her financial condition that may negatively affect


the entire family if the patient is terminally ill, I would apply the principle o...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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